
Ok why is that........?

by  |  earlier

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why is that my close guy friend likes to tease me the most (i know he dosent like me cause when he found out i liked him he said he didnt like me in that way) i always ask him and he pretty much never says why. all he says that is that he is just playing. but it bugs me cause its always me! last time he teased me, he was on vacation, he was all everyone on vacation lookes waaay better than you. and i said your lucky im not over there to punch you in the face. once i said that he chuckled to him self.

Argh wat does he like my reactions or something????

why pick on me! lol




  1. He's probably just joking and doesn't realize how much this is bothering you.  Many people use humor on a daily basis to relate to others - teasing being one of the most popular forms.  A joker might mean no harm but not realize they've hit a sore spot.  If he's a close friend, I'm sure he would tone it down if he knew how much it was seriously bothering you.  Sit him down and let him know !

  2. i have a close mate whos a boy and hes like

    that put if u put them straight then they go on

    to pick on someone else u just have to confront

    them i suppose all boys arwe like that  

  3. cuz he's a guy. that's what they do to be friendly =] chill he's just trying to have a little fun haha be sure you tease him back though

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