
Ok yes I'm <span title="stupid.....................?">stupid......................</span>

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I usually have someone else do my taxes so I really don't know what exemptions? I think I might have an idea but not 100% sure..........yes I'm too lazy to read the IRS website ;)




  1. Exemptions are simply the people that you &quot;claim&quot; on  your tax return, including yourself, a spouse if doing a joint return, and any dependent children or other dependents.  It is worth getting at least a little bit smart about them since you get to legally hide $3500 of income from taxation for each exemption on your return.

    Love  your pic and your name.  I guess if that is really you and you live up to your name, you can afford to be a little stupid!! ;-)

  2. total of everybody on your tax return,incuding yourself and spouse if any.

    exemptions are like dependents(your kids)except you include you and your spouse if any.if no spouse it&#039;s you and your kid/kids and if it&#039;s just you then it&#039;s one (1) or if you claimed a mother,brother or whoever add them to the mix .

  3. Not Stupid not everyone understand taxes.  The exemptions are the dependents you claim on your return.

  4. An exemption is an amount you subtract from your income before you figure your taxes - it was $3400 for 2007. You get to subtract one for yourself (or two for you and your spouse on a joint return) plus one for each dependent.

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