
Okaaay.. this may sound dumbbb.. ?

by  |  earlier

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My friend just got an OTTB. She is having trouble getting him into frame, and i'm not really sure she understands HOW to. I can do it, even on him, but I can't exactly explain it to her. Can you help me? I also was wondering if anybody with an OTTB could help me in anway to figure out how to help him carry himself all the time (it's a fight to get him into frame.) Should we do draw reigns, or a neck stretcher? He also has very little muscle... any help would be appreciated. Thank you.




  1. Ok NO DRAW REINS it makes them ride on there front you need to get the horse to work from his butt and back legs use side reins while lunging   also Dressage is a good idea you might want to have her work with him in that discipline If he doesn't have a lot of muscle give him more grain and woek him more with side reins and teach him to collect they work harder when they are collected and move from the back and build more muscle

  2. First, you shouldn't be aiming for a frame (whatever the heck that is..) you should be working for COLLECTION.  They are technically different, but some people confuse them.  A frame would just be a horses head placed someplace, collection is the horse carrying himself and using his body, which is what ALL ottb's need.  

    Second draw reins or a neck stretcher will get a (false) frame, yes, but it still won't be correct and wont help this ottb do what he needs to do.

    Okay, so, right now all he needs to be doing and working on getting muscle, no framing needed.. Just work him on circles, diagonals and "long and low" when he works foreward and down, stretching his neck in order to balance...

    I think she needs to find a trainer to help her from the ground, as not being able to see this horse work makes it difficult to help/judge what to do.  But still, suggest long and low, and avoid the "frame" unless it also includes him using his butt and WORKING his body.

    Good luck to the three of you!

  3. All I can say is start slow, otherwise thats a good way to hurt/upset your OTTB. Build up their muscle a bit with lounging in side reins in a round pen. Start with 10 min each direction and slowly build up. You will find it much easier after you give him/her time to build up their topline. Ask a trainer/professional for advice, if you can't do or explain it yourself, its best to let or even pay someone else to rather than risk injury to you, your friend or your horse. Good luck.

    * I also agree with the collection posting, its about collection, not so much 'frames'*

  4. well i just have to say first that if you guys dont know how to do these things than you are not ready for an OTTB...i have an OTTB and heres wat i did...i had the exact same problem...first work on building muscle...skip a ride or 2 a week and just work him on the lunge WITH draw reins but make sure they are not too short...and work him on the lunge until he is traveling relaxed and then you can stop the lunging 4 THAT DAY and when u do ride work on getting him to relax his topline as most x-race horses have a stiff topline because of the whole "reach 4 the finnish line with ur nose" thing so doing BREIF moments of counter flexion while working to get him in a frame will help also believe it or not most OTTB's will travel behind your leg which makes them more suspectible to bold(to much to explain y) so start at the walk with a long rein and very forward relaxed walk also try some lateral work @ the walk and when you trot pick up the reins and give LOTS of leg and then tickle him with ur outside rein and remember to release your inside rein occasionally and it just takes lots of practice and for every horse the process if different but i hope i could help....also it is best to work on getting the horse in a frame at the trot and canter first as a frame is a DEGREE of collection and collection is taught FIRST in the trot and canter because there is a moment of suspension so work on it at the trot and canter first then lastly the walk....good luck!!!

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