
Okay, I'm a TOTAL germaphobe?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, now, the ONLY germ I'm afraid of aids. I mean, I'm 16, go to a school FILLED with kids...most of them being sexually active. I however, am not. And nobody has bled on me that I'm aware of. My mom says I can't get it through saliva, so I'm taking her word for it. I don't know, I'm just scared, and REALLY don't want it...and like, I know what she tells me is true cause she had to take a course on it where she worked...but I've convinced my mind that I could get it from ANYTHING in the past year, but I know I can't. I'm just having trouble believing it. Like, when I come home from school I head straight to the shower, and after I'm done I won't touch anything that went to school with me, and if I do...I go wash my hands. I just don't want to be afraid anymore. And my parents think psychiatrists are for "crazy" people and that my fear is rational, but I take it too far. Anyone have advice? Please and thank you.




  1. I am a germaphobic paranoid kid too and I am dead scared of STD's and AIDS  and I was told that if someone spits in your eye you can get it or if someone bites you... but you know,  You can't let things like this get to you, you can't live life believing that everyone and everything is out to get you or you won't be able to live a healthy and enjoyable life.

    I also have OCD which contributes to my worrying but I try as hard as I can and tell my self that the chances of my worrying to be true is so little if I think about it properly that I let it go.  I notice I'm letting go more and more as I get older (15) but there are times when i am just plain worse that others....

    Try saying no! once here and there and eventually you'll calm your urges to wash.

    Any more questions and email me!!!

    Good luck!.... and don't forget, being germ free isn't healthy easy, it's good to have a balance!!

    Bi Kid

  2. i would read out slowly do things different one by one. start from the lowest germaphobe thing you do, resembling cleaning after everything...or not leaving dishes surrounded by the sink, and do the opposite.start small and work up. But you dont want to become a pig so some germaphobic things are ok, resembling having a verbs place. Just dont clean after everytime someone touches something.

    Start small, work your passageway big, and ask your friends what it is that you do the worst.

    Hope that helps! :D


    Talk to your doctor or a counselor they can oblige.

  3. HIV (the virus that can lead to AIDS) is NOT transmitted by casual contact or by saliva. Once outside the body, it only survives for a few minutes at most.

    It is only spread through unprotected sexual contact with an infected person, direct blood to blood contact with an infected person (infected blood would have to get into a cut or sore on your body for you to be infected.), it can be transmitted from a woman to her baby during delivery, and is also found in breast milk.

    I strongly suggest that you get counseling to help you with your fears.  If your parents continue to insist that psychiatrists or counselors are for "crazy" people, talk with your school nurse, guidance counselor, or your primary physician. Sometimes schools have Student Assistance  Programs, including counselors. Talking with a counselor or psychiatrist would be a good idea.  Concern about HIV/AIDS is reasonable,  and can help people take precautions to prevent infection, but your reaction goes beyond normal concern.  Please seek help right away, so that the fear does not consume your life.

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