Caution is because it is about fungus related issues (icky I know. I started watching these two other children ages 2 and 5 with my 3 year old, about three weeks ago. I watch them in the a.m. for about four hours. I wasn't told by parents that the 5 year old has ringworm about five or six patches on his arms and legs. I saw it there and now just a couple of hours ago after me and my son got home, I noticed he has a half circle reddish type thing on his arm. I made a doctors appointment asap. I am freaked out by this. I gave him bath, I bathed, new clean clothes, covered the spot, sprayed rug upstairs and other areas with disinfectant spray. Anyway, I really love these children, and I like their parents and I know that if I don't go back there tommorrow or call right now then they will have a very hard time getting someone and mom could lose her job. Thing is, I am so afraid that my son has ringworm, or if it is not already, he will get it. What should I do?