
Okay, I am sick of people saying the moon landing was faked.

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I am very, very tired of all these questions saying the moon landing was faked. I laughed at the one that said "There is plenty of evidence on YouTube." THIS IS INSANE!!! All of the moon landing conspiracy theories are nothing more than tangled webs of flawed logic. Is anyone else sick of these questions?




  1. Well i'm not sick of them just really, really, really annoyed by them.

    I wish the fake moon landing people would meet up with the 2012 nut cases and have a war over who is more stupid.

    It could be called The Battle Of The Brain Dead Conspiracy Theorists.

  2. Me too. And have you noticed that the same people who don't accept the moon landings are also the ones who *do* think UFOs are actually alien spacecraft??

  3. Welcome to y/a. You're sick after only one month? Wait until you've been here for a year. Sure, we're all sick. At first, one attempts to tackle these types of questions with fierce logic, common sense, and scientific facts. Then you come to realize that these are not normal persons you are debating against. These persons have a cultist viewpoint where facts do not have any substance in the formation of beliefs. They are uneducated and have not developed proper thinking skills. They are the same ones who today ask you to do their homework for them.

    Don't bother asking the yahoos to kick 2012 questions into mythology or to create a section for hoaxes. Your suggestions will fall on deaf ears.

    In the early days, many TCs came here to contradict the hoax lies with truth. As you can imagine, it is no longer a fun game. After a hundred attempts to try to knock some sense into these freaks without success, feelings of apathy are inevitable. Pretty soon you realize the mentality of the creatures who believe in the hoax theory and when you weigh it against your time and energy and the fact that these questions have been asked 12,000 times, it becomes more prudent to allow the idiots to believe whatever they want.

    It always makes me proud and relieved when new blood comes in to take over the cause of science and truth. If you've got the energy and determination to combat these fools then my hat is off to you. I gladly pass my sword to you. I am still here along with a few others but the situation in A&S has been so overwraught will these repetitive questions that many great answerers have actually permanently left y/a in disgust that the yahoos are so unresponsive to any suggestions to improve the A&S category from this slime.

    You are obviously well educated and wise beyond your years. Persons who promote the hoaxes are the opposite. Plus, they have found a group of others as stupid as themselves. Thus the strong bond in the hoax groups. They wear their 2012 colors and their moonhoax colors with pride. If one does not understand science, the best way to combat it is to believe that it does not exist.

    I must warn you of the trolls. There are many. Some will add a new fake yahoo address every week just to post 2012 c**p under a new name. Point your cursor on their avatar to see when they joined to catch these jackasses and report them.

    Also be aware of the psychological flaw called selective reasoning. If someone asks a question which is obviously based upon poor reasoning, odds exist that they will choose a BA that agrees with their concept as opposed to a person presenting truth with sources to back up their answer. Idiots tend to stick together. They feel more secure in their stupidity that way.

    Finally, I really must caution you in encouraging persons such as Hellbent. It may seem funny on the surface for someone your age but believe me there are persons in A&S that do not represent the appropriate conduct for this category and he is one of them. You will realize this with more experience here.

    Please forgive my french. I am a worn out soldier in the war against disinformation and fictional lies presented on the internet by those seeking financial gain from the gullable. I have also had my share of losing battles against the yahoos who allow the repetition of 12,000 questions in hopes of flooding search engine top ten lists with y/a results. This is a despicable practise as you will see that the majority of answers result in voting which means the answer to the question is not even trustworthy.

    Best of luck to you. Welcome. Remember that humans are the craziest of animals. Some are smart and have common sense to seperate science from pseudoscience. To seperate fact from fiction. To seperate reality from fantasy. Unfortunately, there exist just as many people on the opposite side of the coin. You will never have a productive debate with these uneducated lowlifes.

    I have not seen any progress in the good fight. The questions keep coming. You will soon find that y/a search for similar question bar is not being used. I have had my share of discussions with the yahoos about this also. The common opinion at first was that even if we helped just one person at a time to see the light, then it was all worth it. But I no longer see that spirit here. If you are planning to take up the cause, do not take the failures on a personal level. You cannot expect another human's brain functioning level to be like your own. Just because a cult group of nutcases killed themselves because the great UFO mothership was coming to take their spirits home does not mean that all of the weirdos are now gone. There are hoards more out there.

  4. my favorite was:

    "If you speed up the film of the astronaut walking in 1/6 g, it looks like he is on Earth."

    well, duh.

    (actually, it looks kinda weird.)

  5. YES!!! Earlier it seemed like it was one after the other about how the moon landing was fake and pointing to YouTube like that's a real credible source. YouTube is about as credible as politicians are honest. The one that really got me was the "Just answer the question if you have the same opinion that i have or don't answer the question." I'm sorry if I sound harsh but it's just amazing how ignorant, dumb, and gullible some of these people can be despite all the facts that are presented before them that contradict their idiotic point of view that has no real basis to begin with. This is almost as bad as all the 2012 theories going around. Seems like the new saying is: "If it's on YouTube it must be true." *sigh* What next? The Mars rover missions are fake too? *sigh*

  6. Amen to that.  These are the same sort of psychiatric cases that believe in aliens, "Illuminati" and similar fairy tales.  

  7. I have studied the various Moon hoax conspiracy theories for nearly ten years, and I have yet to see a good argument.  And there are no smart conspiracy theorists that I have yet found.

    There is a small but very vocal gang of conspiracy theorists at YouTube who crank out videos as fast as they can.  They hang out at YouTube mostly becuase it is the only site that hasn't banned them for their foul language and abusive attacks on anyone who disagrees with them.  YouTube allows only a few sentences of written response, and allows the owner of a video to ban any other user from commenting on his video.  It's a format almost tailor-made for people who just want a platform from which to rant essentially unopposed.

    There are no credible arguments in favor of the Moon landings being hoaxed.

    As for the History and Discovery channels, Discovery Networks seems to have undergone quite a transformation in the past three or four years.  They are reaching more and more for the pseudoscientific.  I recently granted an interview for a documentary that had already been green-lighted for History Channel, refuting the Moon landing hoax theory.  When I last spoke with the producer, he said the project had been shelved by the network.  Now we see hogwash like "UFO Hunters."

    There are no astronauts who say the Moon landings have been faked.  The only one who comes close is Dr. Brian O'Leary, who was selected as an astronaut but never flew.  He is quoted in one program in a way that makes it seem like he has some doubts, but when I spoke to Dr. O'Learly himself, he said he had been misquoted; he said he gave a half-hour interview in which he stated several times he believed the landings were real, but that the producers used only the part that made it seem doubtful.

    EDIT 1:

    Regarding the flag motion in the Apollo 15 video.  Analysts differ in whether the flag begins to move before the astronaut passes.  Those who argue it moves too early therefore typically suggest that an electrostatic attraction occurs.  Static electricity is a big problem on the Moon.

    Photogrammetric analysis has not been able to confirm that the astronaut is far enough away from the flag not to have touched it directly.

    The exhaust theory is dubious because the exhaust would be diffused through the PLSS vents and therefore lack directional dynamic fluid pressure.  Nevertheless we consider it in the realm of possibility.

  8. Yes.  These conspiracy theorists won't settle for proof that it actually occurred.  They want proof that it didn't not happen.  How can you prove a negative??

  9. They're not concerned with the objective truth, they enjoy feeling like they know something they're not supposed to.

  10. I wonder why people become sick of this and that. If we all learn to be ignorant and tolerant, this place would be so much better place. And for the sake of the argument.. it doesn't matter if it happened or not.. let me tell u a small joke.

    When Americans landed on the moon, they saw that Chinese are already there. They were pretty astonished that how come Chinese got here before anyone. So they asked them how did u get up here? The Chinese said, "it's pretty simple. We are too many in number so we climbed atop of each other and reached here.."


  11. What?  Russia? The US media says all sorts of things that are distorted or untrue (yes, I'm American).  I do believe the moon landing happened but I know a lot of poeple who don't and honestly, the smarter of them have good arguments.  

  12. I am, Russia would not let us say it if it wasn't true!

  13. im sick of it too. and really, how else would we have come this far if it wasnt for the landing on the moon? thats what started it all.

  14. I have noticed more of those questions than usual, and even did some more research than I would normally bother with, to reconfirm, to my own satisfaction, that we actually went to the Moon, I am satisfied that we did.

    I think that the renewed interest is in the light of the government's accounts and behaviour, around the events of 911. This has established as a fact that the gov and media can sometimes tell the most enormous fibs to the public, for instance advising the public that the dust was not a health hazard; at least that is what made me bother to look at the fake Moon landing theories again: a morbid distrust of the powers that be.

  15. There are actual astronaunts that say it was faked.

    Watch the discovery network.

  16. yea... that is annoying, all you can do is point them to a really big telescope and find the landers can't deny that

  17. Yes, I am sick and tired of the people who claim that moon landings were faked.

    Especially when there are certain reflectors on the Moon surface that are used to measure the distance between the Earth and the Moon (I'm not sure about the details, but I believe they fire laser beams to those reflectors and measure the distance that way).

    Obviously, SOMEONE had to set up those bloody reflectors on the Moon surface!

    If it wasn't the American astronauts, then who the h**l was it?

  18. We'll never get away from this kind of thing, what I'll call the tabloid mentality.  What was once big news eventually becomes obvious news, and then boring news.  What to do?  The opposite becomes the new and exciting news.  Columbus did not discover the New World (at least for early renaissance Europeans).  Aliens built the Egyptian pyramids.  Lee Harvey Oswald is innocent.  Milk is dangerous to health.  And so on.  It gives people that special feeling that they possess secret knowledge shared by few others---indeed, the more people deny this secret knowledge, the more special they feel!  Trying to eradicate this phenomenon is like trying to rid the world of crabgrass..  It's impossible.  

  19. Yeah, it bothers me too, because of the insult it is to so many people. I've spent more hours than I care to admit, watching these youtube videos and commenting on them. (I do it under a different name,)  One of the main hoax nuts is a guy named Michael St. Mark, who is also under the name of greenmagoos. He has posted numerous videos and it amazes me how the vast majority of the time, his videos don't show anything at all, which he or anyone else would consider suspicious. Go figure.

    Of all the videos I have seen, there is only one which I think would understandably cause a reasonable person to doubt. It's this one, (and the same clip is shown in some others.)

    The flag does move as the astronaut walks by and it does not appear to be touched.  I did some research and found out that there is a vent for used air on the side of the suit, about elbow high. If this purged as he walked by, I could see how even a modest puff could cause that movement of the flag from even a few feet away.

    If you, or anyone here can confirm this possibility, I'd feel better about posting it.

    Anyway, as long as they are out there, blindly disparaging this great achievement, I will keep discrediting and debunking their arguments.

  20. Just think Jesus was seen after his death, burial and ressurection by hundreds of witnesses yet many still don't believe....james h.

  21. OMG!  Enough of this nonsense already!  We landed on the moon!  Get over it people.  We have split the atom, we have performed heart transplants, we have seen 15 billion light years in to the past, we have built accelerators that can propel a proton to nearly the speed of light, we have put countless men in to space, so why is it so hard to believe that we have flown a rocket in to space and landed on a rock at is only 250,000 miles away.  A country wouldn't risk lying about something like that.  The cold war is not a good enough excuse to make that **** up.  People you can make your arguments but none of them are valid enough to prove they didn't land on the moon.  

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