
Okay, I have a dilemma concerning an idiot...?

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There's this guy who REFUSES to leave me alone. What do I do to get rid of him for good (Other than "ending him" and spending a lifetime in jail)? Snappy answers needed!!




  1. Just tell him he needs to get a life so he can leave yours alone, forever. Trust. ';-)

  2. he's an idiot. don't mind him! what you don't see won't bother you!!!

  3. boy i had alot of these idiots hangin around when i was a teen ager...being nice doesnt work.....been there done that.....u have to be straight up and blunt as h**l.....dude.....u need help that im not qualified to give not the least bit attracted to u ...,man.. i dont even want to be ur frend....u give me the creeps leave me the h**l alone...then if he doesnt he really does need professional help and u need to call the police and report a stalker and if he keeps calling u press charges for telephone harrassment....if u dont he will continue to get worse and more and more aggressive.....good luck

  4. Call the police and say his stalking  you.

  5. tell him you have a family member who works for the police and that he is close to getting a f-ing stalker case on his ***..oh tell him he has a small d**k that always breaks down men have you tried being a complete bi**h to him maybe he will back of then. dont answer his phone call and ignore him all the times. or you can tell him a family member died and you dont need to be putting up with his bullshit at this time!!

  6. put a restraing order on him if he scares you that much,or not being mature (what i would personally do) get him beat up or do it yourself then he will be too scared to come around you

  7. Obviously you are giving him some kind of attention that he wants, or he would not still be bothering you.  Seriously, snappy answers may sound catchy, but they are not always as direct and clearly understandable as they need to be - for example, he may think you are not serious and are just joking around.  You need to say what needs to be said in a very serious way - say it once, mean what you say, and follow through!  For example, tell him, "I am not interested in dating you or in being your friend.  I want no contact with you."  Then do not speak to him, do not acknowledge him, do not take his phone calls.  Do not react to him.  If you need to, tell an adult.  

  8. Do u know any hard guys? have em pay him a visit, or you could pay some1 to make him sleep with the fish, no i'm jk.

    Seriously though get sum1 to talk 2 him or threaten him.

    Or you could tell the police, but i doubt that would solve anything.

  9. Make sure you do not give him any mixed signals.  If he is at work or school, tell him to leave you alone or you will report him.  

  10. Have a bunch of bouncer friends show him that you are not interested.

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