
Okay, I usually do not mock or make fun of Christians, but doesn't this just sound crazy?

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  1. Disturbing

  2. I liked my answer...especially since it is the only one there that is 100% true.  I did hire a Mexican guy named Jesus to work in maintenance.

  3. That's very funny.

    'Touched by god'?... ha ha ha, what gullible people they are.

  4. I get it.  Your point is...that you're jealous of those who have.

    And to answer "reposted question" you're poking fun of...Yes I have seen Jesus.  I was younger and was terribly afraid of the dark.  I prayed that God would keep watch over me throughout the night and when I looked up there stood a man w/ such love in His eyes.  There are no words that can describe it.  It could only be Jesus .  Then years later, right after I had my son, I had just put him in his crib and was watching him sleep and I prayed to God to watch over him while I slept.  And again, when I looked up, there the same man, Jesus, stood again w/ His hand over my son.  What love radiated from Him.  There was such a peace and calm about Him.  He never said a audible word.  He just looked at me a smiled and in that smile, was such a feeling of love and compassion.  My words can't do it justice.

    And I do hear God, but not audibly, but internally.  He speaks in a quite voice in my heart.  He would to you too, if you'll let honestly seek Him and let Him.

    Laugh if you want, I'm sure you will, but you or anyone can ever change my mind or what happened.

  5. "The human mind is extremely susceptible to hallucination."

    - Richard Dawkins

  6. Not as crazy by implying rape and having a down-syndrome child is a blessing from god.;...

    --I am not a democrat.

  7. I liked Fireballs answer...

  8. Very amusing.  A lot of the people I used to work with heard Jesus talking to them too. But then many of them had schizophrenia so that was to be expected.  

  9. *Laughing at ´´jealous´´*

    I was reading trough the answers and they all show an advanced stage of fanaticism.

    Wonder, if any of them would freely as here, in anonymity of the net,admit the ´´christ´´ experience up front of team of shrinks, if there was decision to make, to spend life time in psych ward, or not.

    There are signs of disturbed mind all over

  10. Amazing!

    Not crazy.  How can the carnal understand the spiritual?  

  11. Behold the power of fantasy and delusion.

  12. Yep, it sounds crazy because it is crazy.

    Try not to pay attention to Fireball, btw.

  13. $5 "F" reports you.

    A lot of things they say sound crazy to me.

    EDIT: A poster yesterday said something about the end-times and preparing to escape the cities (maybe you remember the question)? I asked if he was serious and he said yes. And sadly, he was serious. He has a whole web page dedicated to the subject. But crazy religious people tend to dig into their crazy trench deeper when they are confronted. They think worldly evildoers are persecuting them for god's sake when we call them crazy.

    EDIT2: You are correct. :) I was attempting to save my answer from her report by not naming her directly.

  14. im looking..

  15. Just because you haven't experienced God's presence that doesn't mean that others haven't. Although biblically it's impossible to see God (Father) and live (Exodus 33:20), one can experience him by the power of the holy spirit.

    -Till He Returns

    God Bless

  16. Yes, very crazy. I believe that if you put your mind to it, anything is possible. In Fireball's case, 'she' had so much faith in 'Jesus' at a time, and actually tricked herself into actually SEEING Jesus! The human mind is an amazing thing, and should never be wasted over something as folly as christianity!

  17. No, not crazy.  Deluded, perhaps, but not crazy.

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