
Okay, TTC, but it's a no go this month- however I am having severe pains in my ovary? ?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I was having a lot of symptoms, and actually started AF a day early(an it's def. AF, lol), but I am having severe(about a 7 1/2-8 on the pain scale, it comes and goes a bit too) pain in an ovary that I"ve never ever had before. Do any other women experience this while on AF, is it normal or should I be worried about a possible ectopic pregnancy?




  1. See your doctor and take a blood test. Good luck to you...


  2. this could also be a cyst, which occurs sometimes and they can come and go, you should see a doctor if the pain persists....also take an hpt to see if there's a faint line (and a potentially ectopic) you can also ask a doctor online for free for advice and find others going through this, try

    good luck!!!

  3. It definitly could be a cyst.. I had a small one before and was havinbg EXTREME pain.. but it turned out I also had an infection in my fallopian rtube and they didnt find that till they cut me open.. If its an 8 on the pain scale make an appointment 4 sure cuz thats not good.. Pain that extreme is a sign sunthin is rong  

  4. i had that problem. me and my husband had been trying to get pregnant and then the s*x started getting painful for me.. he didnt believe me.. and then i got a period but when i get my periods i never cramped.. this time i was curled in a ball crying so he called the doctor and got me an appointment they did and ultrasound and it turned out i had a cyst on my ovary..

    make an appointment withyour doctor.. so they can see what is going on.

  5. you could be experiencing an ectopic pregnancy, let's pray that you are not. just to make sure, go and get you a test to see if it is positive, if it is hurry to the ER and tell them everything. Good luck.

  6. i would go to the doctor asap! before it gets worse

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