
Okay, am I setting myself up for good opportunities?

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I have the grades, I know that. I have straight A's and my GPA is 4.0. My weighted is 4.24+. And I'm taking a bunch of AP Classes and Honors classes. I passed last year's AP test with a 5. I just don't have extra curricular activities. I was thinking of joining the Honor Societ and Band (this one next year though) will this help me?




  1. Wow, awesome job!  It's not easy to pass with a 5.

    Honors Society is always a good idea.  It will help if you decide to apply to your school's honors program.  However, does your school have a Key Club or something with community service?  Scholarship programs always look for this and that's why I missed out on a few opportunities!  Volunteer and track the time.

  2. The final thing is the amount of financing you will have available when it comes time to apply for schools, then pay for them.  

    For example, the Ivy Leagues are famous for providing acceptance for 25% more people than they have accomodations for.  Sadly, 50% of their student body barely has the financial aid to cope within the school.  Make no dobut about it, the University system as a whole is a business.

    The famous act of Harvard providing free tution to family making under $50K only applies to 2% of their student body.  Sadly, if you came from a background whose family income made less than $50K, you probably wouldn't have the background and abilties to get into Harvard.  A noble effort on paper, but in practice it's worthless.

    In addition, you should find out what your high school's ranking is in general.  Are you the top seed among the worst in an urban area or are the top 15% among America's next movers and shakers.  Looking at the placement of the former classes abilities will give an idea of it.  The colleges know which high school districts give out A-grades like water and which kids actually earn an A-grade.

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