
Okay, awkward question. i'm having troubles with my tailbone and i don't know what else to do!?

by  |  earlier

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i've been to a physical therapist and several doctors, and they say it's a muscle thing. (here's the awkward part) i don't know if it's normal but there's a small hole right where my tailbone is (i'm positive it's not the one you p**p out of haha) and it sort of "bleeds" not blood, but kind of a reddish gooey sort of deal.

i don't know what else i can do? it's really embarrasing and gross and i need help :(




  1. Have you been to an orthopedist that specializes in backs/spines?

    I sometimes get a little lesion near my tailbone. The oozing stuff is blood product, its called "serous exudate". Mine usually heals in a couple of days. Try to keep the area dry and using a little neosporin cream (cream, not ointment).  

  2. It is a cyst. Lots of people have them. They can cause no problem for a long time, and then all of a sudden they start to drain. Talk to your Doc about it as it can be treated. They are called Pilonidal cysts.

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