
Okay, can someone please help? ?

by Guest10695  |  earlier

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In middle school, I had a problem with attendance because I would miss maybe 5 days in 2 months. I was never sick when I did, it was either because I looked like c**p, or didn't want to wake up. Now, I'm 15, and in high school, and I promised myself & my family that I would stop missing school unless I'm absolutely sick and can't go..

Well, it's the first week ( or 10th day whatever) and I just skipped today, my excuse being sick. I'm not sick, but I know I have some sort of problem with this. I can't stop myself.. Can someone help me? I know I can't miss a lot of school, or I fail all my classes! Please help me?




  1. Hi Marissa,

    Since you are in middle school, you have a lot of classes, and move from class to class, right?

    There are a number of possibilities.  Perhaps some of the classes are boring, or perhaps one or more of the classes is too difficult.  

    Ask yourself these questions:  Is the homework too hard?  If so, is it the reading that is too hard, or is it understanding the material?  What about math?  Are you understanding the concepts?

    I would suggest that you talk to your counselor there at school if you have one; if not, go to your favorite teacher and talk to him or her.  One of the things that REALLY works for my kids at school who have problems with attendance is a reward system.  They have to earn a certain number of points each week in order to have some sort of privilege at the end of the week or end of the quarter.  This year, I had three students earn a trip to Disneyland--they saved their points all year long and I took them to Disneyland just last week.

    What you need is something to help you change your pattern of behavior--a simple chart or page from a calendar might work, where your teacher has to initial the square showing you were physically in school, and then your mom has to sign that she saw the teacher's initials.  That chart or calendar page goes back and forth to school every day.  It's a good idea to have some sort of reward at the are trying hard to do better, and a reward of some sort acknowledges your effort!

    Hope this helps!


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