
Okay, can we put Alien believers - none believers to the vote?

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I would like to be able to judge where, generally, the alien believers reside....






  1. I do not believe in aliens!

    I am from the United States of America.

  2. I believe.

    I'm from Ireland.

    I think we're silly not to believe, seeing as there are trillions and billions of other planets out there, and some people have the nerve to think we're alone.

    I say there are thousands of other planets with life out there.

    oh. no. definately not aliens among us.

  3. i am a non believer when it comes to aliens .. my ol grandpa use to say ' hollywood made up aliens to make money  and all the morons thought they were real '  

    hahaaha !

  4. i believe in aliens they watch us study us and test us. We are not alone.

  5. It would be completely ignorant, and vain to think that the planet earth was the only planet to spawn life. The chances of that happening are as small as the universe is large. If the universe is infinite, then the chances of being the only planet to support life is also infinite.

    That said, we are also vain to think that any other life form would care about us enough to bother with us. If they live on a planet that supports life (which they would have to) why would they want to come here?


  6. I believe.

    Its that a lot of worlds were created so aliens can exist.

    i'm from Pakistan.

  7. I'm from Alpha-Centauri  and I don't believe in aliens. "You don't neeeeed to see his identification..."

  8. I know it's romantic to think about other races on distant planets but it's very likely going to come out that we are alone.  Sad, I know.

  9. Reading these responses made me laugh, but the humor was tinged with sadness at the fact that not one of these people got the answer right. It makes me wonder what has happened to their capacities of reason and critical thinking. The only excuse I can see is that these respondents seem quite young, I guess yahoo answers must be aimed at young people, for I doubt that any of these respondents are older than 20, 25 tops. That would explain a lot. At that age, most people think they know a lot more than they actually do, hey, we've all been there. It's sometimes called "Sophomore-itis". Wisdom and intelligence come with age, and with effort. And you'll find that sometimes requires questioning the official version of events, and disagreeing with the mainstream media and popular opinion.

    "Popular opinion" in America is carefully controlled and pre-determined by the people who actually run things; they give you meaningless music, video games, movies and television, even Art.. All of which share the same characteristic, they are dumbed-down from what our level of cultural understanding once was. And next year it will be dumber still.

    Popular culture is neither, its certainly culture, and its not representing popular opinion. For example, 75% of Americans are strongly against the Iraq invasion and occupation. So, Where are the protest songs? there were dozens of big name musicians doing protest songs in the '60s. Where are they today? They ain't on clear channel, folks.  The Dixie Chicks didnt even have a protest song, they only made a comment, and they were vilified for it. And we let "public opinion", at least as reported by the corporate-owned mainstream media, make The Dixie Chicks into villains, simply for using the patriotic act of political dissent. And that was it for the protesting, it seems. So much for "popular culture".

    So when "popular culture" tells you that UFOs , Flying Saucers, and alien abductions are the province of madmen and charlatans, that should be enough to make you question why. Why do they encourage you to ridicule people who state they have experienced these things first hand? It is less far-fetched than a belief in Jesus Christ, which we are encouraged to treat with respect. Let's face it, the U.S. Air Force hasn't spent fifty years chasing Jesus, whereas they have had their best people investigating flying saucers and aliens in project after project; Project Sign, Project Grudge, Project Moondust, Bluebook, and others. Their Chief Investigator, J. Allen Hyneck, came to the conclusion that people were indeed encountering alien ships and aliens. Let's hear them laugh at that fact.  

    There are three categories of people,regarding the issue of whether or not aliens are here:

    1- Those who believe aliens are not here.

    2- Those who believe aliens are here.

    3- Those who KNOW aliens are here.

    I'm in that third category, I know aliens are here as a fact, to me, and millions of others it is not an issue of speculation, or just a fun dinner-party topic of conversation, it is reality. Aliens are here, kids, get used to the idea, because it isn't going to go away. How you've managed to lie to yourselves for this long is beyond me, frankly. It requires the complete disregard of mountains of evidence and testimony.  

    "I can assure you the flying saucers, given that they exist, are not constructed by any power on earth."

    -Former U.S. President Harry S. Truman - Press conference, Washington DC, April 4, 1950.

    "An investigator for the Air Force stated that three so-called flying saucers had been recovered in New Mexico. They were described as being circular in shape with raised centers. Approximately 50 feet in diameter. Each one was occupied by three bodies of human shape but only 3 feet tall. Dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. Each body was bandaged in a manner similar to the blackout suits used by speed flyers and test pilots."    --From a March 22, 1950 memo to J. Edgar Hoover from the Washington FBI Office, released in 1976 under the freedom of information act.

    "I know that neither Russia nor this country has anything even approaching such high speeds and maneuvers.  Behind the scenes high ranking officers are soberly concerned about UFOs, but through official secrecy and ridicule many citizens are led to believe that the unknown flying objects are nonsense. . .To hide the facts, the Air Force has silenced its personell."

    -Admiral Roscoe Hillencoter, former director of the CIA, at a 1962 NICAP press conference in Washington D.C.

    "The phenomenon of UFOs does exist, and it must be treated seriously."

    -Former Russian President Mikhail Gorbachev (Soviet Youth, May 4, 1990)

    U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater, retired Air Force Reserve Brigadier General and pilot. "I remember the case in Georgia in the 1950's of a National Guard plane going after a UFO and never returning. And I recall the case in Franklin, Kentucky, when four military planes investigated a UFO. One of them exploded in midair and no one knows why."  

    "h**l no, you can't go.  I can't go, and don't ask me again."    --Senator Goldwater quoting General Curtis Lamey's response to the senator's request to visit the "Blue Room" at Wright Patterson Air Force Base where, Goldwater claims he was told physical evidence exists confirming the existence of alien spacecraft.

    "I've been convinced for a long time that the flying saucers are real and interplanetary. In other words we are being watched by beings from outer space."

    -Albert M. Chop, deputy public relations director at NASA, and former US Air Force spokesman for Project Blue Book.

    "The real danger to the U.S. and perhaps this whole planet is the government has placed such a heavy blanket of secrecy upon this issue. So much secrecy, those in government who have knowledge showing UFOs are identifiable feel the subject cannot be discussed by those in the know without serious repercussions. Others are afraid their friends and co-workers will think they are crazy if they even so much as insinuate that UFOs are identifiable as manned craft from outside the earth. This particularly applies to newspaper editors and publishers, reporters and analysts. Thus the U.S. is denying itself the chance to learn more about UFOs or to encourage research despite the fact the U. S. stands to gain from such discussions. . . .Not publicized but true is that the Clinton administration, soon after coming to office, had many briefings on the subject. Laurance Rockefeller provided the information for the President and Mrs. Clinton. Others provided documents and verbal briefings to presidential advisors Jack Gibbons (science), Bruce Lindsay (personal), Anthony Lake (national security) and Vice President Albert Gore. About the same time a three hour briefing was given by Dr. Steven Greer to the sitting Director of the CIA, Admiral Woolsey. . . .After the Roswell incident, the Air Force replied to reporters' inquiries that this was all part of research using weather balloons and other equipment. [Colonel] Corso and hundreds of others who work or have worked in secret defense and scientific agencies, are willing to swear under oath that alien craft are repeatedly penetrating our airspace."

    -Sarah McClendon, White House Correspondent, and Dean of the White House Press Corps--

    "We can no longer think... is it true? Is it not true? Are they truths or are they lies--if we believe or if we don't believe--no! There are already numerous considerations which make the existence of these beings into a certainty we cannot doubt."

    -Monsignor Corrado Balducci, a Vatican theologian "close to the pope", who has been charged with studying reports of UFOs sent in from Vatican embassies around the world. This quote comes from one of Father Balducci's many recent appearances on Italian television.

    "But I've often wondered, what if all of us in the world discovered that we were threatened by an outer - a power from outer space, from another planet.""In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think, how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask is not an alien force ALREADY among us?" "There are only a handful of people who know the truth about this." Ronald Reagan to a full session of the United Nations, September 21, 1987

    Laugh at that, if you can.

    Ready or not, aliens are here. And that's just where the story starts.

    You asked for nationality, I'm American. Hope this helped some of you.

  10. Are u sayin u don't believe there could be Aliens, on the scale of the universe thats quite shallow U non-believer

  11. since this is a matter of fact, not belief, i do not believe this poll can accomplish anything.

    there is no question in my mind that there is other life out there. if there isn't, our understanding of half a dozen fields is badly flawed. we just haven't detected any yet. but aliens among us? yeah, right...

    nationality: martian. oops... :-)

  12. I do NOT believe that aliens are abducting humans, stealing cows, impregnating women, etc...    

    I DO hope that there's other life out there, and I suspect that we'll find evidence of it eventually.  

    I am from the United States.

  13. I believe we're not alone in the universe! Walking among us . . . really can't say.

    I'm from Planet Earth.

  14. Lebanese from Lebanon in the Middle East .

    I do believe  ,

    Check this :

    I do believe ,however , we can't know for sure since we didn't leave the Solar System yet . the Universe is big .

  15. Unfortunately, beliefs (whether valid or not) are not subject to the democratic process.  So a vote is irrelevant.

    Perhaps you really mean a "survey" to find out where believers and non-believers reside.

    I life in Canada, I don't believe aliens walk among us.

  16. I'm open-minded, i can put up with any theory.Sometimes I'm scared of your aliens, sometimes your American imagination fascinates me(because there is one undoubtedly, the Orson Welles radio broadcast, the green people, the martians).Don't be so scared and upset by conspiracy theories.If you do have one don't scare others ,please don't share it because you sound plain dumb, insecure and democracy is really hard to maintain.We can make up our own stories, we're creative humans.I create my own aliens:)).I sometimes believe that intelligence doesn't create monsters(childish thought, right?)

    we have fun doing that, creating chaos.

    I'm Romanian, I live in Romania.

  17. aliens that abduct people and walk among on earth: no. thats absurd. no astronomer would agree to that.

    aliens in the scientific definition, as organic organisms, no matter how simple, living on a celestial body other than our own: yes, of course.


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