
Okay, diet question please answer! easy 10 points!?

by  |  earlier

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okay, so it is, what, august 27th? yeah. anyway. im starting school september 3rd, and i want to start dieting then.

i am going on a cruise in april, first cruise yay!

haha anyway; here is my question;

i am 15 years old, in november, and i am going on a diet, what are some really good diet plans that work? cause i want to loose as much weight as i can by april (i am 5'4 and 210ish =[ ) i wanna feel good on that cruise! so any good diet plans?

btw, i can go with fish, etc. but i am allergic to fruit, ='( my throat swells up, and veggies; im allergic to carrots, broccali, all the good stuff, haha, so yeah, im gonna struggle, but its gonna be worth it, plus my dad is going on a diet with me, but anywayyy =P any diet plans that really work? quickly??




  1. It is a mind game really,all you have to do is retrain your brain to eat only when you are hungry and stop when you are full and you can eat almost anything you takes 15 minutes for your stomach to tell your brain that you are full,so eat slow,

  2. check with doctor first but if your healthy eat less and do allot of low impact cardiovascular work out. allot!

  3. if you're trying to lose weight you should really give Acai Berry a shot! i saw it on oprah and i'm trying it myself right now.. got a 14-day FREE trial from this site!

  4. With your allergies, you might want to ask your dad if you can see a dietitian.

    Can you eat chicken? Lean protein helps a lot of people lose weight.

    Start walking too. Walking is really good exercise. Do 15 minutes a day and increase the time in increments.  

  5. go to, it has some easy recepies for low calorie meals and a lot of information on dieting as well as celebrity diets.

  6. a grilled or baked fish with lemon is good. Light fish like haddock or salmon

    Drink lots of water, and walk. Walking is the best way to raise your heart rate and burn calories.

    watch the carbs. Not too many, and stay away from junk food. If you want a treat try skinny cow ice cream treats.

  7. What kind of diet are you looking for? For example, can you attend meetings if you have to, is price an issue, have you tried dieting before?

  8. Ok, so first, use this bmr calculator

    it'll tell you how many calories you burn doing ABSOLUTELY NOTHING

    then from that add on the calories you burn working out, add how many minutes from each activity on this page and calculate the result, this page will give you ideas of some activities you can do to work out as well - go to the park, get a ***gym membership*** (my recommendation), run around the block, do some crunches, etc.

    and that is how many calories you burn daily. if you want to lose weight the recommendation is to cut out ~500 calories per day. remember that a pound is 3500 calories so from that you can gauge how fast you want to lose weight, subtract more for faster weight loss, less for slower and steadier weight loss (don't subtract too much or else it'll be easy to pack the pounds back on!)

    and for WHAT you should eat, which is the most important part - eat foods that will support lean muscle mass.

    these foods include

    -fresh vegetables (obviously not the ones you can't eat...if none at all, purchase some vitamin supplements from a health food store)

    -whole wheat breads, pastas etc. (complex carbs + fiber)

    -PROTEIN most important! (chicken, fish, other white meats...)

    DO NOT eat/drink


    -sugar in general (yeah, you're young're excused :P)

    -white pasta sauce

    -whole milk, go for skim or non fat

    -red meats with a lot of fats (beef, pork, lamb)

    -generally not a lot of oil and butter, though some is needed for health

    hope that helps, and good luck!

    PS. if you have trouble counting calories of the foods you eat, go to



  9. u gotta be kidding me. u cant be alergic to all those vegtables. but anyway just go to the gym .like 3-4 times a week and work work work! you'll gain a couple pounds which is good cuz you'll feel your abs coming in. but you'll have to push yourself!!

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