
Okay, how formidable would the English be without Wilkinson??

by Guest58503  |  earlier

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He puts points on the board from anywhere, so long as he gets the ball long enough . . . Are the english clutching at straws, their performance so far has been pretty average . . . ??




  1. and ninja todeschini de pumas???

  2. well they say the facts speak for themselves. Just look at the winning percentages with and without Wilkinson. I can't remember the exact figures (someone in here will) but I think england win something like 70-80% of their games with him and about 40-50% without him.

    I think that stat shows just how crucial he is for england.

    nonenzedder i think you have a) under-rated wilko and b) over-rated hook. I have seen very little of hook but I haven't been that impressed with what I have seen. He is a player for the future but at the moment I think it is hook who isn't good enough to tie the laces on Wilko's boots. h**l he's not even good enough to whipe his ****.

  3. The english are desperately clinging on to the johnny myth - because after 2003 everyone knows him, he is a good role model and people outside rugby recognise him...he is essentially the face of rugby in england.

    When broadcasters go on and on (and on) about him, they know that they are relating to their mainly football audience...or people who know nothing about rugby..(which is basically the whole itv audience).

    Fact is - Johnny isn't good enough to tie James Hooks laces, but it is commercial sence to do this...and I am sure Wilkinson (who seems like a nice lad)  is quite embarressed by all this sycophantic nonsense and hype off broadcasters - who's audience only really know johnny.

  4. Since when have the english ever been formidable?!

    It could be worse, you could be irish. Shockingly poor world cup!

  5. Without a doubt ,he is the only light, shining in English Rugby at present.

    It won`t improve, either, until theEnglish Clubs start developing their own young players instead of buying worn out , aging  players from the Southern Hemesphere .

    And yes, they are clutching at straws, if Jonny gets injured , they are dog tucker.

  6. Average Is Being Too Kind To Them Darl. You Reckon They're Formidable With Wilkinson? I Don't Think The All Blacks Have Any Worries When It Comes To Playing England. I Think Our Wallabies Are Going To Have A Fight On To Beat You As It Goes.

    Please God It Will Be A Beaut Game But!

  7. Not Very

  8. I don't think any team can win the world cup with one star player.  The All Blacks,  the South Africans and the Australians have many, many, many star players and they will still struggle to make it to the final.  England is its own worst enemy as it continually picks players who are well out of their depth and even they are surrounded with players who are so far out of form that even a 12 year old school boy rep could compete for their spot.  

    So how formidable  would England be without Wilkinson?  I think they will continue to be dreadful regardless.  Sorry.

  9. England were so lucky,first the injury ridden Samoan side,8 of their first line players out of this match and the reliable boot of Johnny.As a Samoan watching,i must say Johnny W doesn't back down and will give back just as hard as he gets .England can thank their lucky stars for Johnny because he single handedly sunk my beloved Samoans.Good luck England ,you gonna need it because without him you'd be packing your bags

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