
Okay, how to tell her now?

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Ok, I just asked a questiona bout my 9 year old sister (I'm 13) coming to me about a bra. Anyway, she told me not to tell my mom, but I asked a question about what to do, and people said to tell my mom but ask her to keep it on the DL I told her.

Now I went to ask my mom, and she said that since I was a little more comfortable with the subject then a her, I could take her shopping for one (my mom would give me money). I made plans to go shopping with my friends this Sunday, so I could bring my sister along for an hour or two of it. Then my mom can pick her up later.

When I asked my sister, she said yes as long as she could bring a friend. Of course I said yes, but what do I do with a friend? How do I take a 9 year old bra shopping? How do I explain it to my friends? Do I make her try it on? Now I'm 2nd guessing my choices here.

The tthing is, how do I take my sister




  1. Take her to a shop that has someone to fit her properly. Sure, she's only just starting, but it's a good habit to get used to. She's going to keep growing for a good many years, so should be fitted properly each time. Even as adults we ought to get fitted occasionally, since we do keep changing size and shape.

    Warn your friends in advance that's she's embarrassed, and ask them to treat her like she's all grown up and make it special for her. Treat her friend much the same. Walk around, have a look at the bras, comment on the cute ones, giggle at the ugly ones. Let her buy cute sets of bras and knickers. Go into the change room with her and the sales woman. Get one of your friends to pretend to be her friend's big sister and do the same. She'll be awkward and embarrassed, but pleased that she's allowed to be one of the big girls. Pretend you all don't notice her awkwardness, and make it into fun, girlie day so she can have the change to feel that growing up is special, not annoying. (We know it can be annoying, but that's not the sort of info a new "big girl" needs to know.)

  2. take her and let her try them on...tell your friends that your mom couldnt do it so you are that is what big sisters are for!!!

  3. I think thats really nice of you to do this for your sister.

    Just show her the section where she can choose from (training bras) and tell her to pick out a couple to try on.  And tell her, if she needs any help to call to you.

  4. this is a really good way to bond with your sis! why not just go with her alone? just you two? and just put yourself in her shoes : if it were you buying a bra, what would you look for (besides style of comfort...)

  5. Just make sure your sister knows she needs to try them on without a shirt on.  My niece wore sports bras for the longest time.  When her mom took her for a proper one she kept saying none of them fit cos she was trying them on over her shirts.

  6. There is no worries as long as she is not morbidly overweight. There are trainig bras that kind of look like sports bras that usually come in 3 packs and come in large medium and small. You can get these at Target, Old Navy JC penney and Macy's. Just grab some she does not need to try them on.

  7. I think the first thing you should do is measure your sister at home so that you cut out wasting time trying out sizes at the store. Perhaps while at the store, and this depends on how shy your sister is, split up with your friends for half and hour or so, taking your sister and her friend to find her bras, so as not to embarrass her in front of people. And finally, Definitely have her try them on. I know when I first started wearing bras they were weird and uncomfortable to me. So you want her to get something as comfortable as possible and that means it needs to fit properly.

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