I asked a question a few minutes ago; http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AlCXDtTEq3tAOPYRUWbHiXbsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080814094018AA2xPAH right, so i converted it to html, but it actually changed it to .xtm or something, so i tried to upload that to my microsoft webspace (which i payed for!) and it had everything different files, whereas the .pub file is just one file.
so i changed it to single sheet webpage and tried to upload that, but i still dont get how to use that as my webpage, instead of the template that's already in place. i just want the website; www.wytchstitch.co.uk to be the one i made on microsoft publisher, as oppose to the somewhat bad template that there already is. I've tried uploading the files, i've tried clicking the button "publish to web" and it's just not sending it to the website.
please, please help.
many thanks and blessed be.