
Okay, i cannot sleep at all !! anyways to help me fall asleep besides medicine ?

by  |  earlier

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please please please help ! i need to sleeep !




  1. think about something while u have ur eyes closed and eventually it will turn into a dream and then u will fall asleep


  3. Just keep lying there and eventually your body will shut down on its own.

  4. Drink until you pass out.

  5. s*x s*x s*x ,

  6. I wish I knew i start school in a few hours and Im tierd as heck. We were getting pounded on by a storm witch scared my dog and woke me up. Now im up 4 good. Try turning out all the lights and just lay there with your eyes closed and think of something good that is going to happen soon. It always works for me.

  7. knock your self over the head intil your outcold

  8. READ.

  9. -read a good book, preferably with less action so your mind wouldn't get boggled even more

    - close your eyes and think of a waterfalls

    - drink a small cup of hot jasmine or any tea of your choice

    -quiet, quiet, quiet

    - if you can't have quiet, then play a peaceful, yet relaxing song.

    - try asking a doctor

    - change your mattress into a silk and softer and comfier one

    - pray. (or whatever your religion is)

    - do some hand stretches

    - breathe the hardest you can

    - cry (if you need to)

    - watch a good movie

    - take your mind off everything you can

    - hug your loved one

    - if you have a kid, tell him/her a story

    - turn off every possible electricity in your room, except for the ventilation.

    - play a musical instrument

    - see your doctor if you really can't do anything

    that's it.!

  10. i actually have a lot of trouble with this... i used to be a light sleeper, went to bed at like 3 in the morning and woke up at 6 but now im tired by midnight most nights (except today when i have to study) and like to sleep in until about 9 or 10 in the morning...

    i actually tried a couple of things, so pick and choose what u think would work for u the best... first off, start by drinking something warm like tea to kind of get u ready for bed... or maybe u prefer something cold- my sister likes a cold glass of milk...

    then, i turn off all the lights, put on an eyemask to block out even the smallest bit of light, and then turn on a decently loud fan- something u can listen to an focus on while u fall asleep... or maybe u have a playlist or cd that has music u can fall asleep to- just time it so that it turns off automatically after a certain point (by which u should be asleep)...

    other things to consider are the type of mattress, pillow, etc.- the obvious... but they really made a difference to me, because i like one larger pillow and one flatter pillow, depending on whether i want to sleep on my side or face down...

    if these arent fully working, try doing some yoga or stretches before going to bed to loosen ur muscles a bit- to relax them...

    if this isnt working, think about ur daily schedule and maybe what else u can do to help u fall asleep at night...

    for me, i have to have eaten a decent dinner becuz otherwise i get hungry... i also have to do something that day to make me tired- whether its physical or mental exercise... other things to try are  maybe taking a warm shower at night instead of the morning? or both, if you prefer...

    anyways, i hope at least some of this helps... otherwise, all i can say is check with ur doctor to make sure there is nothing else u need to think about (not medicine, but ur health in general)...

    well, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.....

  11. m********e.  Really.  It'll make you tired.  Try it.

  12. I had quite bad insomnia as a kid and still this suffer the occasional bout. What did it for me then and now was listening an old portable shortwave radio placed on the bedside table . With shortwave, because it is used to broadcast huge distances,  stations tend to drift in and out between gentle hisses of interference so it almost sounds like you are listening to voices or music drifting across the sea.

    The nature of shortwave radio means you tend to get talk radio (usually foreign stations that broadcast in English - Radio Moscow, BBC World Service, French Nation Radio, etc) punctuated with gentle music.

    It is similar to listening to white noise, like a fan of vacuum cleaner in a distant room, but it is gentler and there is more for the mind to latch onto and get carried away.  I found this more effective than pills or warm milk.

    Sweet dreams.

  13. LIGHTS OFF! Radio on or your own CD playing usually would do the trick

  14. Some options,


    Play a game to clear you mind - just focus on one thing


    Watch the olympics

    Read some legislation passed by your government in the last 12 months

  15. sit there and think about something u like or heat up some milk and put some sugar  in it

  16. get off the computer perhaps

  17. exercising before you sleep, like going running always helps. don't drink anything with caffeine two hours before you sleep. read before you sleep - it tires the mind. listen to relaxing music. do activities through the day that are physically challenging.


  18. i can help this is what my dad used to help me fall asleep he told me to put your arms by your sides and close your eyes it works every time! or just sit there with your eyes open until u feel sleepy

  19. I think you may find the following helpful:

  20. For me,  eating a snack will help me fall asleep.  I know that I'll get lots of thumbs down.  But that does it for me.  

  21. watch my lips. TURN OFF THE d**n COMPUTER! lie down and try to think of nothing at all especially sleep.exhale deeply letingout all the air, then take a real deep breathe filling your lungs to capacity as you exhale imagine all you stress exitting with the air. then breathe a little deeper than normal counting up to six on each inhale and exhale when you reach six, count down to 1, repeat. see ya in the morning.

  22. get someone to rub your navel in circles until you relax and fall asleep..

  23. Count something.

  24. Clear your mind.

    You're thinking about a lot of things.

    Just relax and breathe.

    Close your eyes.

    Listen to the sound of your breathing.

  25. Try reading a book.

    It usually relaxes you and makes your eyes very heavy

    after a while.

  26. listen 2 a really boring film or some music like nora jones which isnt at all painful to the ears but is gentle so wont keep you awake

    or you could try going for a run to tire yourself out.

  27. I find reading will eventually get you tired. Or you can go get some turkey. Other than that, alcohal?

  28. looks like we both have the same problem.

    i dont rely care cuz its summer, but here are a couple sites...

  29. smoke alot of weed before u pass out

  30. Sorry, but if it does get too bad you really do need to take medicine or you will go insane.

    Sleep deprivation makes any nice person into a nasty bar steward.

    Oh and Heidi766 has an excellent idea.

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