
Okay, im getting a shot today.?

by  |  earlier

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i know this question is pretty stupid, but,.im getting a shot today, and i am terrified of needles and pain. have any tips for me to not be so scared?

btw im 13 almost 14




  1. Tell whoever is going to give you the shot, that you are scared.  Then if you can grab a magazine or book, and begin reading that.  Take a few deep breaths and relax your body part where they are going to put the shot in, dont look, and you should be just fine.

  2. Try to think of something extremely funny to relax you!!! Maybe have a friend go with yah for support!  

  3. Let the doctor/nurse know about your fears. I have a friend who is terrified of needles, and the nurse used the tiny needles they use on babies on her.

    I hate needles as well, and I recently had to get 3 shots at once. I held my breath, put my hand over my mouth and closed my eyes. It took one second, and it was over before I had time to catch my breath. It helps if you don't look at the needle; I did that once before and nearly passed out. Just look away and they will do it when you're least expecting it, so you don't have time to freak out beforehand :)

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