
Okay, is this kind of a sign?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I might be making too much out of this but there's this girl I know, who keeps on being touchy feely with me. And today she kept putting her face really close to mine. And she kept on singing the most retarded song alive to me. Like, she could have done it to her other friend (Who she knows a lot better and actually hangs out with) But she kept singing the song to me. And then since I was sitting down in class, but she was standing up, she got really close and I guess she didn't measure the distance between her b***s and my face and when I turned my head because she was singing the song again she got so close that her b***s were like 2 inches away from my face. lol this wasn't intentional but she didn't back off either.




  1. It's a signal.

  2. haha,'s a sign. a good one. ^.^

  3. Since I don't know the circumstances (other than she put her b***s in your face by accident) I can't say. She was singing to you but as it sounds, she was just goofing around.

    Tell me more on IM!

  4. She wasn't singing a retarded song at you, she was serenading you!

    But seriously, if you feel she's flirting with you, flirt back a little if you're interested in her.  You won't know if you don't try.  

    Grab life with both hands young lady, you never know when the next opportunity will come your way.

  5. I think she's trying to give you signals

  6. i would assume its a sign , dude u should`ve made a  move if u had b***s like 2 inches away lmao! jk jk! :)

  7. i have raised shire horses for over 40 years.. during this time i have had mares act in a similar manner.. my thoughts are is that this girl is trying to lure you into her web of deceit

  8. well invite her over to your house. when its time for bed get close to her and snuggle see how she responds...body language hun...or watch a movie and snug up to her...if she's ok with that try holding her hand...if you get rejected just act dumb oh i thought u were flirting with me sorry..

  9. i agree with snuggle bear go for it!

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