
Okay, just admit it, brunettes are better.. :P?

by  |  earlier

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All the guys I know prefer brunettes over blondes ANY day, and yet blondes still think they are better than us.





  1. well seein as how i was a blonde from ages 0-5,

    and 16-17, i found the brunette/redhead part of my life to be btr. =]

  2. personally idc, as long as shes cute

  3. h**l no.

  4. I admit, I'm a brunette, but, I don't understand why all these girls are fighting over which HAIR COLOR is better!  I mean, any natural hair color beautiful, what makes any color better?

  5. haha..good thing I'm a brunette =]

  6. haha, brunettes are def awesome...but i don't think blondes are all bad. i admit the all around picture most people have of a prep, or s****. girl, is designer clothes and blonde hair, but that's not usually true. like, my 2 best friends are fact i envy them in some ways (their hair is easier to  

  7. Just goes to prove how dumb blonde's really are. I am a brunette and proud of it.  

  8. OH!! You are so wrong blondes are way better then brunettes just face it WE ROCK!!

  9. Hahahaaaaah

    Yes we are :)

  10. what has happened to this country? lol blondes are the dominant species. Aryan power! hitler had the right idea lol.  

  11. yeah i prefer brunettes and redheads over blondes anyday

  12. But you seem to have forgotten about the redheads.

  13. well duh!! but not fake brunettes... their wannabes haha

  14. Brunetttes are better. But just as many guys go for the blondes as much as they go for brunetttes. But none like the redheads unless their hair is reddish brown rofl

  15. no one is better than anyone. we are all equal regardless of what we look like.

  16. Errr no. Black hair beats the lot.

  17. haha HELLL YEA!

  18. h**l yea

  19. duh haha.

  20. all of them? wow

  21. okay i think this is really stupid the whole thing about brunettes and blondes. And guys dont make their decisions on who they like because of hair color smart one. Brunettes arent better than blondes and blondes arent better htan brunettes but more people dye their hair blonde than brown though.

  22. BLONDES RULE!!!!!!! :D

  23. i HATE being blonde

    everyone thinks i'm stupid!

    but i would rather be a redhead.



    I seriously think that tans and brunnete hair is in now.

    LMAOO jk jk jk

    Blondes are cool too i guess ;]

  25. i admit it.

  26. Better at what? softball, tennis, swimming, horsebackriding, reading, typing, cooking, painting, dying their hair, making jewelry, washing dishes, driving, sweeping, mopping, growing flowers, taking care of animals, answering questions, staying clean, making movies, being a companion, laughing, robbing banks, getting a job, flirting, doing laundry, ironing, housekeeping, keeping a man happy, looking better?  BETTER AT WHAT?  

    Did you survey every blonde on the planet? And they all said they were better than brunettes?How did you come to this conclusion?

  27. blondes are better

  28. Yeah we are so hott i love us brunettes we rock woohoo go brunettes :P

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