
Okay, really: is my stomach going to go back to normal -- ever?

by  |  earlier

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my baby is almost 14 months. i was in great shape before the pregnancy but did not exercise at ALL while pregnant -- i was too busy puking. since then, i haven't worked super hard, but i have worked a bit (obviously i need to work more). every part of my body is back to normal except my stomach and the sides of that part of my body. i have never ever in my life had a stomach that hung over the top of my jeans -- even when sitting down, so it's driving me nuts. if i step up the woking out, it will go back to normal, right? i mean, it isn't permanently stretched or permanently fat there, is it? if i sound nuts -- i am. i mean, about this stuff, yes, i am nuts. so what's the dea. can i get it flat again or does everyonw with a flat stomach post-baby have surgery?




  1. Get used to it - sorry.  I have tried exercise, diet, you name it and that skin will still hang.  You are stretched dear.  However you are 37, your body is going to change in the upcoming years as you age and menopause sets in, so this will seem minor in retrospective.  Small price to pay for having a baby.  Just quit worrying about it.  I wouldn't go having surgery.  That seems a bit extreme.  I'm sure there are other people out there who have it way worse than you.

  2. I am the same way and I think my stomach may start to look better but it will never be the same before i had babies. And to all the women who instantly return to normal or look even better then before pregnancy I say you are not human. they must be aliens.LOL The celebrities look good but who wouldn't with several chefs and personal trainers. I am sure if you work really hard  like 5 hours a day 7 days a week and only eat carrots you can get it back to normal. But who has time for that? And how fun is that? And although it is possible I think age has something to do with it too!

    P.S. i cooked the white bean soup and rice recipe last night and it was so good. I ate 3 bowls and even my picky hubby and son loved it. thanx...

  3. it will go back to normal just give it some time!!

  4. Yep, you actually can.  

    I've had two babies (now 18 and 15) and eventually got back to lookin' good.  I actually look better now than before, believe it or not.  Even my hubby says so (now anyway... he never would have said it then).

    It also wasn't one of those "mission impossible" things.  It was what I knew to do and things could do without nearly killing myself.  

    Yea, it took some time (blah, blah), but my point is, it can happen.  Having babies is not a life sentence for a forever-changed body.

    Good luck!

  5. you don't need surgery!  although your body will never be the same as it was before baby arrived (boobies too!) it is not impossible to get the flat stomach you so badly desire.  i didn't get it, but many of my friends did, through determination and a lot of exercise, you will be wearing tight tops in 6 months!  have no fear!!!

  6. same here but mi boo is 2 months neva had a stomach till him but its goin slowly i jus do crunches and ab workouts and i go for a jog at night

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