
Okay, sick betta, medication?

by  |  earlier

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My betta fish has definitly got a fungus or something, it looks sort of like a yellowy mold under his head.

He was running into hard objects, like scratching it and he would just lay on the bottom of his bowl.

I bought a rid-ich medication (that also cures parasites and fungus, etc) and aquarium salt for him today.

I am putting together a 10 gallon tank for him, so he can't get into that for another day or so.

(He's been sick for the past 4-5 days)

Is it too late for the medication to work? (He has the medication right now, his first dose.)




  1. Rid Ich will still be very effective at curing the fungus, even if it is as advanced as you said.  The damage will be localized and should heal fairly quickly after treatmet.  Be sure to remove any activated carbon from the filter during treatment.

    EDIT: Sorry, I forgot to mention something!  Malachite green is an active ingredient in Rid Ich, and it degrades with exposure to light, so I would strongly recommned treating the tank in the dark.

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