
Okay, so for my dad....breakfast?

by  |  earlier

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okay. so my dad is quite a bit overweight. and we are figuring out ways to change his eating habits. he needs something he can take in the car to work with him. he always goes and gets donuts...which is something we are trying to kick. so...what kind of quick things should he grab?

he really likes granola there anything like that that is healthy and doesn't make you need to p**p a lot? and he has bad teeth so he needs something soft (so no nature valley bars)

thank you!




  1. I love luna bars- they are suppose to be for women lol.. but I think it would okay for a man. They are pretty soft and are really good for you. Or he can have like an english muffin with peanut butter on it. You could drive with that easily.  Orrrr a thing of dried fruit mix and nuts.. that stuff is wonderful- but I don't know how the nuts will be on his teeth. And maybe a breakfast burrito with egg beaters?

    There is some ideas. Hope I helped =)

  2. It's hard to get a truly healthy diet that can be consumed in hand on the go.  Changing dietary habits is hard and requires effort.  He can start by preparing foods the night before so he can spend five minutes in the morning eating them before leaving - surely he can get up five minutes earlier to do that.  What's more important than one's health?

    Six egg whites scrambled in olive oil, 1/2-1 cup cooked whole oats, and a medium piece of fruit is as balanced and healthy as you can get, easy to prepare and eat.

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