
Okay, so now I'm flying?

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When I was a kid I used to have dreams that I could fly, but I would just doggy paddle, and barely make it off the ground. So last night I had this dream where I was on a path, and right beside the path was a lake (I've never been there). So I'm flying but I'm doggy paddling but I'm higher up this time. So my brother and his friends were there and I went an flied towards them. (everyone could doggy paddle fly but I was higher off the ground) One of my brothers friends went "woah, how'd you get so high?". I didn't say anything, but flew over the lake,& another of my brothers friends (his bestfriend) tapped my leg, it threw my off and I fell into the lake. But I couldn't swim back, I was being pulled out more. The one who tapped me came in and pulled me back to shore, cos' I was going to drowned. I had a weird dream about him before, but I don't like him like that, he's like my second brother lol. So what could this dream mean?




  1. whenever you are flying in a dream, you are really Astral Traveling while you are sleeping. google Astral Travel. its very interesting, saying it all on here would make me sound like a psycho, but its real, and everyone Astral Travels 3 times a week at least while sleeping. its very normal, and thats really all your dream means.

  2. It means you will try to live your life free of influence by people like feminist fascists, who some times claim to read the future in dreams, but they will get a hold on you when one man does you wrong and make you think that all men are bad and begin to pull you into their pit and drown the person you really are in their fascist brainwashing way ... but then a good man will come to you and help you see the world with open eyes and save you from them, like Tammy Bruce saved herself when she saw them for what they are.

  3. Well, exactly what you said, he's like a big brother to you. That he'll protect you, like how he saved your life. And, another person already said it, it's astral traveling, I just recently found out what it means haha. I have dreams where I fly as well, I'm not joking when I say this, but when I was like 5 0r 6, I used to doggy paddle fly aha, like at daycare.


    I hope this helps!:)

  4. I have that dream all of the time

  5. it means that u want to fly to a magical land

    or that your hungry for biscuits n gravy

  6. You will fall in love ; but be care-full because this new person will be possessive and controlling ; but the end of your dream is good ; it mean that you will be strong enough you quit the relation or put your foot down

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