
Okay, so now I have two similar girls' names that I'm having difficulties with...?

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I like these names:

- Anjali (AHN-jah-lee)

I like the first syllable most especially. Also, please answer: do you think the nickname of Angie would be alright for this name?

Last, but not least: Angelise (AN-jeh-LEES)

It isn't, but do you think this name sounds too contrived, or "made-up?" I really thank you a lot!!




  1. I like both of the names. I don't think that Angelise sounds made up. It sounds very pretty. I like Angelise better of the two though. It sounds lovely, and I think that Angie would be a good nickname for both names.  

  2. i like the name Annaliese. (Anna-leese)

  3. I like the second one better but if you like the sound of the first you could do Anjalise(AHN-jah-LEES)

  4. i like the name angelise a lot.

    my name is angelina =)

  5. I think the spelling of the first name is a little confusing and my personal favorite is 2nd one and it does NOT sound made up it actually sounds Great and Kind of Proper!! Good luck to you

  6. I like both of those names and Angie would be a great nickname for either name.  But if I had to choose I would go with Anjali.

  7. My friend's name is Angelee but pronounced the same so it's not made up.

  8. angelise sounds super cool but go with what ur more comfortable with

  9. I like Angelise. Its pretty but I couldn't find it listed on either http://www.babynamesworld or What about Annelise (AH neh LEES)? It means grace or favor. Or Emmalise (EM ah leez) which means all-containing; universal.

  10. dont reall like eather of htose, but i do have a alternative:

    Ania or Anja (AN-ya)

  11. I don't like the nickname Angie for Anjali.  Why pick a unique name only to call your child a common name?  Plus, Anjali isn't all that long.  So, I don't think Angie would be saving any breath or time.  

    Anjali sounds a lot like that's a little confusing.

    How about Ana (AH-na), or Anastasia (Ah-na-sta-sia)... or something else along those lines since you like the AH sound?

    Although, it's your opinion. Just trying to help.  

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