
Okay, so this question is for those who study race. My parents are from Guyana. So, what is my race/ethnicity?

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My parents are from Guyana. My ancestors are from India. I was born here, in the US. So, am I considered "Black?" Or, like I think, "Caucasian?" Or, am I "asian?"

Seeing as how my ancestors are from India, and the ancestors of those from India are Aryans, who originated from Europe, the technical race/ethnicity is Caucasian, correct?

This is so confusing! Any help?




  1. Like many...yer a mutt!

  2. Really no such thing as race, but technically you would be considered Caucasian according to the definition of Caucasian. Which would include people from Europe, western Asia and North Africa.

  3. I had always thought Asian Indians were Caucasian, but most call themselves Asian.

  4. I believe you are a human. Let's try to stop pigeonholing ourselves into different races as if we were dog breeds.

  5. okai basically your nationality is american

    ur race wud be considered indo-guyanese..meaning indian guyanese.

    i always say im indo-guyanese because i like my indian culture but im also very proud of my guyanese culture and heritage and i hope u r too..:-) and alot of people say indo-guyanese so dont worry its not weird

  6. If some one is telling you Indians are "black" ignore them, even if your ancestors were extremely dark skinned Tamils?

    You were born in the USA? You're American!

  7. Your ancestors are from India. You would be considered Indian. This is not usually accepted as "white" in casual racial classifications. Asian is commonly accepted, for census or classification purposes.

  8. If you were born in America it matters not a hoot where your parents originated. you are American. and your race is, (as there is only one race of people known to be on this planet) "Human".

    PS. If you want to pidgeonhole yourself any further that is your concern.

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