
Okay, so was it a good idea of the New Yorker to put a cartoon of Obama and wife as Muslims on their cover?

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Incidentally, the Obama issues are already being hawked on e-bay for $40.00 each!




  1. To make a big deal out of it, regardless of one's political affiliation, is to bring us one step closer to the whole "teddy-bear-named-Muhammed" brouhaha.

    It's a cartoon.

    Covered by the 1st Amendment.


  2. No, that was dumb and tasteless idea.

  3. No.  Almost all of the c**p put in some magazines nowadays or put elsewhere by the media is not necessary.  It's ridiculous.  It's either garbage or advertisements. It goes out for shock reaction or to deliberately hurt someone.

    I only subscribe to things like Ireland of the Welcomes, Archaeology, Civil War Times, Smithosian, etc.  Things with educational value.

  4. I just know Obama will be a disaster for the economy, our familes, our country, and everything we hold dear. Can u see the Gov't running the medical system like they run the VA? Cartoon or no cartoon, I am voting for the War Hero, Sen. McCain.

  5. Muslims regularly murder Westerners & protest over dumb cartoons. It is amazing how sensitive Muslims are about it. Now I am watching Barack Hussein Obama & his ilk do the same thing about the New Yorker cartoon.

    It is unbelievable this fool could be our nominee for Prez. The New Yorker is a totally pro-Democrat publication. I have to vote for Sen. McCain. I hope everyone is with me on this.

    Granted, Barack Hussein Obama had a string of caucus wins in mid-February. Then the carpet-bagger’s true colors started to show. In the end, Hillary began trouncing Obama in primary after primary, sometimes by margins of two and three to one! Obama barely won it. It seems the more people know about Obama, the less they like. We really need a do-over or Hillary to be nominated in at the convention in Denver.

  6. Just think, free advertising.  Bold move for the Editor, bravo.

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