
Okay, so you have an infected sebaceous cyst on your back, you've see a doctor and got meds for it but it?

by  |  earlier

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Liz, one potato two potato...




  1. Honestly darling...

    My husband had one in a somewhat delicate place. (Where no straight man wants another man to go)

    If it abscesses it could be dangerous.

    Don't feign ignorance or remain silent.  Instead, phone your doctor and ask him/her what the best course of action would be.

    How do you feel now, knowing you made me be serious?  Perhaps a bit ashamed?  Maybe giddy because you brought out the mother hen in me?  Lucky for you, I'm using my spanking hand to type with. <g>

  2. Avoid all the above and get back to the dr.  That small monster on your back is going to get infected now if you don't have it looked at again and cleaned up.

    STOP MESSING WITH IT and buy your wife a new pen LOL

  3. 1. Sell the pen on eBay

    2. I think you have a conjoined twin on your back. Have a contest to pich his name. I vote for Edmund McGillicuddy O'Toole.

  4. Spit right on a tissue and wipe that bugger off of course ! ......  what you don't know doesn't hurt you as they say  .....

  5. I hope you know people put pens in their I'd feign ignorance.."what pen?"

  6. Eany




    Your play.

  7. was it a ball point or a gel?

    The real etiquette question is if the proper pen was used.

    Using the wrong pen would be akin to wearing a morning coat after 5PM !


  8. you blow your brains out, but not first, you must throw wifes pen away, and dont mess up her house when you do the deed! As you already are defective, with that big infected sweat gland, or pimple, and you ruined your wifes pen...!

    Do it in the garage or a old car out back!

    TIP 'O THE DAY: (remeber always blow your brains out in a curtious manner, especially if your loved ones are to have to deal with it)

  9. Papa, you are absolutely, bizarre..

    Thank you so much.

    hugs and kisses

    Please don't allow your wife to get jealous...cause there's nothing to it..just friendship.

    Thanks again...I needed that!!!

  10. ask for help.... get that thing off of the back asap.....

  11. Ask your wife to help open the thing on your back...that's what my husband does and I lance it for him. Don't forget to use lots of alcohol.  I know it's disgusting but there's some primordial pleasure in doing it.  We used to call them boils....

    "Another common and effective method of treatment involves placement of a heat-pad directly on the cyst for about fifteen minutes, twice daily, for about 10 days (depending on size and location of the cyst).

    This method works by bringing the temperature of the wax-like material inside of the cyst to a temperature at which it melts, and can be reabsorbed and processed by the body, as a small amount of oily fluid. This method is preferred over surgery both for reasons of associated costs and risks of surgery. This methodology is not applicable for non-sebaceous cysts, however, as other varieties of cysts do not contain the same hardened sebum deposits, and therefore do not melt to be reabsorbed by the body."

  12. mums the word. i think i would keep my mouth shut. but then again, maybe i would admit to what i had done. not sure.

  13. Just wipe it off and feign ignorance. Then ask her to clean it up for you. LMFAO

    Dang what's up with all these darn breathers today already.

  14. just wipe off the pen, keep mum.... and try to resist the urge to mess with the cyst. less drama the better...

  15. Ask your wife for help, any combination of the other 3 is just looking for trouble.

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