
Okay, special k diet? help me, :/?

by  |  earlier

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im starting the special k diet tommorow,

im only going to eat breakfast, dinner, and a snack sometime.

i have some canned lite fruit, and some with no sugar added.

i also have some yogurt, which is lite also.

im going to start riding my bike more,

and using our ab lounger and thigh cruncher.

the only thing i ever drink is water anyway,

so thats not the problem.

but, am i doing this the right way?

i go to school, so i cant eat six to eight small meals.

im wanting to lose about 4 inches this month.

also, im 5'5, and about 155lbs.

14years, also.




  1. i need the answers too and plz can i take ur diet to do it i'm 97 jg  

  2. In my opinion, the Special K diet is a load of c**p.

    You don't get your essential protein and fat needs.

    Definitely eat 6+ meals a day. NEVER skip a meal.

    And just to let you know, ab workouts do not burn fat at all, they just build abdominal muscle.

    Drinking water is good, keep up with that.

    Just eat a low-cal healthy diet that is reasonable and not anorexic lol.

    I suggest for you around, 1700 calories. Exercise regularly.

    But seriously, just eat healthy things to meet your calorie needs, don't judge what the Special K diet says.

    Good luck!

  3. I also think the Special K diet is a load of c**p.  When you skip any meals, this actually slows down your metabolism, which makes your body preserve your fat, so it makes it harder to lose weight.  

    The best way is to eat 5-6 sensible meals per day combined with exercise.  But you do not have to kill yourself doing it - it's really about having a healthy lifestyle.  And my goodness, you are only 14, don't get obsessed with it.

  4. No lunch???

  5. at 14 unless the Dr. says you need to loose weight or inches you really should not be dieting.  if you are going to diet make sure to have you mom's help and get your calcium and other vitamins, You need to make sure you are getting enough lean protein and Iron, preferably heme iron.

  6. I saw this product called Acai Berry on Oprah the other week.. Looked like all the other diet scams, but I went for it and ordered a 14-day free trial from this site.. And guess what, it really works!! I'm so happy I've already lost weight, gotten more energy and my stomach is flatter than ever!

  7. God you really should not be worrying about yourself at only 14.

    But you need three meals a day. Special K diet only works with two meals special K plus another healthy meal - lunch is very important. The other stuff sounds okay though. Healthy but not over the top.

    Just a little tip - try not to give it up as soon as you are done. Just replace the two bowls of special K for two healthy meals. i know a friend who just went back to her old diet and gained what she had lost without a week.

  8. not quite ., bring small snacks to school , like carrots apple or a granola bar. also, you shouldnt skip lunch. good luck :)

  9. I am not an advocator of diets, so being that you are only 14, your body is still developing and I would make sure to eat well yet healthy. special K diet is just an advertising scheme. as long as you cut sugar out and all bi-products from your diet you won't need to go on a "commercial" diet.

    Be healthy! You won't get all your daily nutrients from this. Eat eat eat and exercise! Plus drinking water is GREAT... that is a good start. :)

    Best of luck!

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