
Okay, this is for fun. :-) Calling all psychics, intuitives, and clairvoyants...?

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What can you tell about me - any impressions, messages for me, any information about possible past lives? This is for fun so just use your intuition and tell me what you get. I'm curious to see the responses. :-P




  1. You were a young saloon girl in a dusty midwestern town in the mid 1800's, they called you Bertha Rose. You charged a man 50 cents to dance with you and if they didn't pay up, you'd dig your laced up leather boot heel into his purple diabetic toes and the bartender Charlie would toss the alcoholic into the horse dung outside. You loved selling whiskey at 75 cents a shot because this earned you several nickles of your own which you saved towards petticoats and ruffled dresses. You wouldn't be caught dead socializing with real prostitutes for fear of being considered one. Saloon girls earned their money respecitively and Charlie the Bartender brought his nephew Jedidiah to meet you on account of your properness. Jedidiah swept you away and brought you to California in a horse drawn wagon to pan for gold. There you found your fortune, shot Jedidiah (the poor man didn't know how g*y he was) and drove the horsewagon back to that midwestern town where Charlie the Bartender was throwing an alcoholic into the horse dung. You lived out your life there and profited generously from creating a cleansing wash for prostitutes made out of baking soda, vinegar and water. Charlie the Bartender married you for your money and built you a lavish two story home with a store front where you sold petticoats, ruffled dresses and w***e Wash. You died of tuberculosis at age 54.

  2. You like pie.

  3. Well...ya don't like cats and you're not so much a dog person...what about ferrets?? Hamsters are too little.

    This was for fun, wasn't it? ;)

  4. I am getting a strong feeling here.......

    In a past life you were a pathetic, spineless man who lived a long and fruitless life of quiet desperation.  You died old and lonely in the 1950s.

    The life before that you were average and mundane.  Once you reached majority you were married off to your only prospect who cheated on you with your better looking sister.  You had no children and were allergic to cats.

  5. Your grandfather is telling me to tell you to brush your teeth. I can't pick up the vibe to see whether he is actually in the spirit world or if he is telepathically sending this message to me. He says that if you don't want to wreck your dental work you must brush three times a day as the procedure to fix your teeth will be financially devastating.

  6. Tell me if this sounds like you.

    You are a very modest person and you are very open-minded.In your past life you travelled over-seas and you were very rich.

  7. You're fun-loving but have a serious, brooding side.  You're open to new ideas but sometimes need a little encouragement to actually get out and DO something new.  You're basically a homebody and a bit of a loner sometimes but you do have two very close friends.  Your inquisitive and open minded about most things yet are also a little fearful about occult (hidden) subjects.  You're studying something but I don't know what, and though it doesn't seem like it, it will lead to the career you've been wanting for the past few years.  

    How am I doing?  If you said I was accurate, I'd be surprised since I made it all up.  :)

  8. Hmmmm....... okay......A flash/first impression - not too long ago you were gazing into your computer - your hair is dishelved, your face is partially acned and your breath is bad. You're not the girl you wish you'd be.

    I'm not picking up on a past're probably a 'young' soul.

  9. Get some rest Kat!  You've had a hard day's night caring for Peaches.

  10. In a past life you were a cat.

  11. Kat,

    I find you were both in a low mountain village of Neuendorfer, and a famous city like Vienna.  You stayed and studied and worked there.

    I feel a connection to the Iberian penninsula around the 16th century, but not living there.

    2 georges are close to you one is Telman and the other Hande.  Friends but not equals.

    How is that for fun.

  12. You are an outgoing person, always curious, a leader. When you get something on your mind you don't let it go. You are a good person to have as a friend, but you can carry a grudge when you feel you have been betrayed. You like to go to outings, and can be a bit unconvential at times. Had you lived a previous life you probably would have been an Egyptian princess.

  13. Yes, this does look like fun.

    *Lights candle, wiggles finges in semi-mystical way (rather spoils effect by sneezing and extinguishing candle), and says,...*

    "You like cats."

  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ...

    Let's see - you are someone weird, who likes asking weird questions; and in ur past life, you probably were some mad cat - so you are thinking of cat to kitten or whatever; And a message for you? Keep posting lots to weird questions so that I can give lots of weird answers and gather 2 points at least

  15. I've had several past lives within the one I'm in now.

  16. Past life? Sure.

    You signed into Yahoo and posted a question about past lives.

    I am a very accurate, very short term psychic.

  17. you are open minded,  you have a good sense of humor you are a little shy at first but once you get comfortable you alot of fun.  you are probably cute but dont think so and you can be a bit nosy

    how did i do?

  18. Someone has recently (in the past 2 weeks) ripped you off for a small amount of money. You felt betrayed. Although you feel over it, I can still sense some of this in you. Maybe someone who you trusted, like someone you thought was a friend.

    You are also excited about a change coming up in the coming month. You are trying to pass the time until it comes.

    I can't see specifically what it is, but you are very anxiously awaiting it.

    I guess thats the extent of my abilities. If I saw you in person I would be able to give you specifics. Its hard to read someone over the internet.

  19. England or Ireland,the woods,wings,green,23,

  20. Your self centered and need constant approval from others to feel good about yourself.

  21. you have agift a vary special gift and you were roman in a past life

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