
Okay, this is going to sound retarded...?

by  |  earlier

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Why do I pass out all the time? Like all I have to do is stand up a little to fast and BAM! I hit the floor. Or if it's a little warm outside. This one is obvious but when I lose alot of blood I do to. If I don't pass out my eyes usually cloud up, or I see spots. I am perfectly healthy except low blood pressure, so could that be the problem? How do I raise it? I'm 14 if that makes any difference. Thanks!




  1. from your symptoms, i can say that you have hypotension (low blood pressure) indeed. you need to see a doctor to get yourself evaluated... to look for the real cause behind your condition so that you can correct it as soon as possible. But while waiting for your doctor's appoinment, here are some tips to help minimize your hypotensive attacks. 1) change positions slowly, even when lying down. take your time. do not hurry. 2) before you get off the bed, get up and sit down on the side of the bed, with your legs/feet hanging over the side. dangle or move your feet and legs for about 2 -5 minutes. then slowly, get up/off the bed. 3) avoid prolonged exposure to extremes of temperatures, hot or cold. wear protective items (e.g. wide-brimmed hat, sunglasses, coats, or whatever is necessary for that moment). 4) drink lots of fluids if you are exposed to hot temperatures. do not dehydrate yourself) 5) if you seem pale (look at your nail beds, palms and conjunctiva [that pink flesh in your eyes when you pull the lower eyelid down]), eat iron-rich foods (like green-leafy vegetables, pork or chicken liver). if this is intolerable for you, take iron supplements in tablet form. take it once a day....but again, you need to see a doctor in your area to determine the actual cause for it. it can either be because of simple problem of anemia or as worse as a neurologic problem or blood-related problem... take care

  2. you need to see a doctor and get on bloodpressure pills at that age its rare but you could have a heart attach or stroke if not taken care of! dont ignore it!~

  3. signs of low blood pressure. drink more water. go to doctor.

  4. obviously you need to see a doctor. it could have to do with low blood pressure, i would have assumed at first high blood pressure, but you would know better than me in this case. even if it is because of low blood pressure your doctor needs to help you figure out a way to control it because those symptoms could cause dangerous situations and indicate a problem in general.

    please be seen asap!  

  5. does anyone else know about this? like, do your parents know???

    i would say you NEED to go see a doctor. you might have diabetes. that's kinda what it sounds like. i've never been in your situation so i don't have any real advise except to talk to your doctor.

  6. to me that doesnt sound normal u should go to the doctor just 2 be on the safe side in case u do have sumthing that is causing u to faint all the time even if u dont have that then us always better to be safe then sry

    good luck i hope everything turns out ok :)

  7. This is called "postural (or orthostatic)hypotension" and it's normal... unless it happens every time you stand up at all.

    It happens because your blood pressure falls when you change from sitting or lying to standing... and while your body normally compensates well for this, if the drop in pressure happens too quickly, it takes time for the body to catch up... and you'll have consciousness changes,  fall down or faint because there's not enough oxygen reaching your brain.

    If you're anemic (not enough iron and red cells *carrying* oxygen) and already have a normally low BP, it'll happen more often and more severely.

    A "hematocrit" blood test is a good way to find out if this is normal or if it's caused by anemia.  (This is the long way of saying "see your doctor".)


    for a better and fuller explanation.

  8. see a doctor fast.

    please answer mine;...

  9. Firstly, I agree with the person above me, definitely see a doctor asap.

    Secondly, have you had your iron levels checked? Mine are really low at the moment and everytime I get up, I see spots until my vision goes completely black but I haven't passed out (although that is common with low iron levels). Your low blood pressure could definitely explain some of it, but you really need to go to the doctor and get checked out because it's not normal to pass out all the time, nor is it safe.

    Hope this helps and good luck :)

  10. Yes, go to the doctor. Don't mess around.

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