
Okay, this will bug me until I find the answer. What were the old time standing corn stalk bundles called?

by  |  earlier

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There used to be pictures of this in the paper in the fall 'Indian Summer' where I grew up. I found an old picutre my grandfather took 90 years ago of a corn harvest and I've been trying to remember what these were called.




  1. When corn is stacked in the field in standing  bundles it is called a shock.  The corn was shocked.  Wheat is bundled in sheaves and the sheaves are stacked in stooks.


  3. bushels??

  4. Shocks And after they husked the corn the husks were used in pillows and the matress. Cobs were used for the stoves to keep warm, cook and even smoke there meats.

  5. Corn sheaves (like wheat or rye sheaves)

  6. Stalks were cut and bound into bundles (or stooks or sheaves). The bundles were collected together and arranged into "corn shocks" where they continued to ripen.

    So I think they were called corn shocks.

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