
Okay, what do you think of g*y people??

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Tell me your honest opinion! And do you understand us? in other words, do you have empathy? Also, look at all the other issues that we have to deal with. We are still people who deserve to be what we are... Anyway, tell me your opinion.




  1. As long as you don't mess with my girl I don't care what you do.

  2. I have absolutely no issues with g*y individuals; they are still people after all, and should be treated just as well as the rest of us.

  3. wrong forum?  does the LGBT Y!A forum understand g*y people? is that the question?

    yes. we do.

    i personally do understand any other person as much as a person who is me can understand someone else who isn't me.

  4. I think g*y people are just like any other person.  

  5. Of course, you're asking this question, most likely to p**s people off, but I'll answer it incase you really are serious.

    g*y people are normal people. They are like everyone else except they like the same s*x instead of the opposite s*x.

    To me, homosexuality is natural. If not, why is a guy's prostate gland so sensitve and resting up against their r****m so when he has anal s*x, it is stimulated and causes o****m?

    Or why is a girls most sensitve part of her v****a OUTSIDE instead of inside where a man is supposedly "supposed" to go?

    I don't think it's coincidence. Homosexuality is a part of nature.

  6. I dont have empathy and i dont have a problem with it . their just normal people doing what they do. Honestly people just need to leave them alone stop being so concerned about whos doing what with who and worry about their own lives.

  7. I don't think about them honestly. Just like I don't think about anyone else.  I think about current political policy situations and general things.  I used to feel the same way that people went around thinking about me too.  Then my boss told me who do you think you are that people think about you.  They are busy working and trying to solve their problems visit family and friends etc.

    That helped me.  Perhaps that will help you too.  Stop being so self conscious and self absorbed thinking that straight people are thinking always about you homosexuals.


  8. well let's see. i'm a girl. and i'm engaged. i'm engaged to another girl. lol

    i love g*y people as a whole. i have never had anything against it since i gained my own form of thinking and i'm completely support equal rights.


  9. I don't have a problem with it as long as it's not flaunted in my face, or interferes with my normal lifestyle.

  10. I believe that g*y people are greatly misunderstood by the heterosexual community. The heteros think that g*y people always want to have s*x with them when we don't even want to know most of them because of this attitude they have about us. They shouldn't flatter themselves.

  11. I can't say I understand what Officer was trying to get at, but something tells me....

    He's overly religious. LOL.

    I think g*y people have every right to be g*y.

    So what?

    I disagree with treating them differently because of their sexual preferences.

    It's just as bad as racism, sexism, and nationalism.

  12. I think that g*y people are g*y and that is all I think of g*y people.

  13. Good question, tough question... I can't really tell you what I think of g*y people since there are as many kinds of g*y people as there are kinds of straight people, bisexual people, etc., whatever etc. may mean. g*y stalkers are pretty bad and so are straight stalkers. Egocentric g**s are pretty bad and so are egocentrically straights. Quite frankly, I couldn't care less. I wouldn't want my son to be g*y because I think it would make things a bit more difficult for him and also because, if possible I'd like to have grandchildren. That's about it. Anyway, I don't think he'll be g*y since he does criticize g**s... Hmm, I keep my mouth shut and hope he'll become more tolerant with life... I must admit that some g**s, when too flashy, give me the creeps - slightly. But so do flashy straights, I guess. My gf seems to have something against g**s, I don't know, and I keep my mouth shut about it because there's no need for an argument over it, but that's all. I guess I just want everyone to be happy. If there was ever any need to defend someone being attacked for being g*y, and if I thought it was an ok person, I would stand for him. At the risk of being considered g*y myself, which is bad, I mean it's bad to be considered what you're not and I know what it's like. Well, it would be easy to just say something like I love g**s, which seems to be very common nowadays, but to be honest it's more complicated than that and I'm not a hypocrite. I just want you to be happy in your life and an ok person, that's all.

  14.    well its your life, your decision

       kinda uncomfortable around most of them though no offense or anything.

  15. I think most of the answers you get here are going to be pretty similar... but I have to agree that we deserve the freedom to live our lives the way we want to, and be treated just like everyone else...  

  16. What do I think?

    I think that g*y people are just regular people.....who just happen to be g*y.

  17. "Officer" should also read the rest of the bible where it says eating shellfish is an abomination and wearing clothes that are made up of more then one type of material is also an abomination....dont ask which chapter or whatever but iv read and heard of it a lot from str8 pple by the way! all religious texts were written thousands of yrs ago...but you only reply on the parts YOU WANT!!!

    dont use religion to discriminate against pple when you should notice your OWN HYPOCRISY!!!!  

  18. i have nothing against g**s. my cousin is a trans-gendered and i love her! i love how honest g**s can be -- my g*y friend is the only guy i know that can honestly tell me if my outfit looks like c**p without hurting my feelings..  my straight friends can't do that  

  19. i cant say i understand you because i am not g*y but i dont think any different of g*y people than i do of others. difference is what makes our world such an amazing place. i dont think its such a big deal these days to be g*y

  20. I think g*y people are just people. I have many g*y friends, and my step-sister is L*****n.

  21. I am straight...dont care what you guys doesnt bother me....i know alot of g*y people...they dont act any different then a stright person actually...most have to tell me that they are g*y...i guess i am a democrat in my views....

  22. If someone's g*y, I don't particularly care. Unless they're hot. And around my age. Reasons for this are obvious.

  23. I don't understand g*y people? I love women and what they have to offer sexually. A mans rear end just does not seem to do it for me.The thought of it makes me sick. Any wack-o who says that being g*y is normal needs their head examined.I also think g*y people are turned that way or have something wrong with them that causes them to be that way.I do have empathy in a sense. Meaning I feel sorry for someone that cannot enjoy a relationship and union with the opposite s*x.Maybe failure with the opposite s*x causes g*y people to hide behind a curtain and be g*y.I mean seriously how could you look at another guy and get turned on.To me it's the same as a grown man looking at a child and getting turned on. It's just not right.

  24. I don't have empathy for ya, only because i think that your are normal people, just like me and everyone else. i hate that people discriminate against ya'll as well

  25. I met a g*y guy on Saturday in a bar. We were watching girls dancing and we were having a beer and joking. He had his arm around me. I had no idea he was g*y! then his hand went onto my chest (serious).

    He paid me compliments...and I though "wait a second..!"

    Anyway, he said he was g*y, I said I wasn't. He was trying to hit on me "what's a s**y guy like you doing in here? You're really s**y, you know." I said "I know I'm s**y!"

    So, I think the best thing is just to get along with people. I get hit on by guys probably more than by women. I find it annoying because sometimes the guys seem like they are fiends who can't take no for an answer...and have almost had to fight a guy to stop stroking me every time he passed (serious).

    I think that if a person is g*y - it's fine. I mean 'homosexual'. I don't 'like' very camp men, and it annoys me.

    What makes guys dislike g**s is often partly fear. Eg, my fear is that I might (deep down) be g*y....or that I could be persuaded to try...and might dislike it and hate myself...or people would find out and i'd be ostracised...or I'd do it, like it TOO MUCH and become a queen! LOL!! and let live. If there are more g*y guys, I'll have more girls too chose from!!!!  :)

  26. i have no problem wit g*y people but i dont like it when they try 2 make everyone think its right

    cuz its america u do what u want or think is right and let other people do the same

    u cant change the way people think so ya

  27. I have no problem with g*y people. One of my good friends is a L*****n, and it makes no difference to me! Befriending her really opened me up to what it's like to be g*y, and you know what I found? They're just like everyone else! I look at all the sh*t they have to deal with, all the close-minded ignorant people they encounter,  and I know that no one would go through those things if they could help it.  

  28. umm... when i think of g*y people i think... leather, pink, Two and Half Men, and muffins.

  29. i love g*y people their fun to hang around their just normal people not big deal....

  30. In my opinion g*y people are treated like **** for no reason. Its really stupid and immature for people to treat a g*y person like **** simply because of a sexual preference.  

  31. I think g*y people are regular people. Infact I find them more understanding and less judging then most. I am not g*y myself, but I think they deserve more respect than what they get.


    pEaCe <3

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