
Okay, which was better: Never Back Down, or Redbelt?

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I saw them both. Both movies were in and out of theaters in the blink of an eye. Never Back Down was advertised more heavily, but Redbelt, with it's legit director and more "grown up" themes, was by far the better acted movie. The problem is, I don't think that too many people saw it. Did you? If so, what did you think?




  1. man never back down was the sickest so i say never back down red belt to me was like watching blood sport

  2. they both were horrible flicks, though I have a buddy that's in NBD, and I was almost in it but backed out. MY buddy's in the final fight scene and is a BJJ guy from Brazil.

  3. For "Never Back Down":

    I have not seen better ground fighting choreography. They managed to make grappling look appealing and exciting to the layperson (my buddy that went with me).

    I thought the story line was good, but somewhat of a copy of karate kid, but then again, Karate Kid was a great martial arts film.

    I don't think it glorified MMA as streetfighting. In fact, I think it did the contrary, by having a BJJ Master show the student the right way, and to have the discipline involved.

    I also thought the dynamic of the student and his mother's disapproval of MMA and having her change her mind after seeing the positive changes in her son.

    At our TKD school, I have an 18 year old who saw the movie, then signed up with us the next day.

    As for the movie Redbelt? It was interesting, but there were way too many unanswered questions, like, why did the famous actor go through the trouble of setting him up to begin with? There were several other holes in the story. It was a nice ending, and a great message of principle over money, but otherwise, kind of ho hum.  I was disappointed with this over all.  

    Another movie that had a lot of hype and has some good ground fighting choreography is "Beyond the Ring", but overall, another disappointment.


  4. I have seen Never Back Down and didn't think much of it. Pretty much just your average teen movie. I've heard good things about Redbelt, but have never seen it. Can't find it on DVD either. Seems to be quite elusive!

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