
Okay,I start HS in about a week, and im very nervous.the question is should i be nervous about starting HS??

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high school nerves!!!




  1. no. relax. enjoy yourself, highschool isn't as big a deal as it seems. you'll be fine!  

  2. i was nervous when i started high school

    but the things you should always remember is that there is never enough time.. so don't procrastinate

    choose your friends wisely, don't get too distracted by the opposite s*x, grades always matter  

  3. Nothing is wrong with being nervous about starting high school. It is something completely new (new teachers, new campus, new students) and that can be a little scary. Don't worry to much that you make yourself sick.  Within the first couple of weeks, you will be in a new routine, making new friends, and having a lot of fun.

  4. it's okay to be nervous

    but nothing to trip about

    you'll meet some cool people

    have higher expectations

    it'll be like the bootleg version of high school musical lol

    try to stay out of drama

    most of all dont smoke, drink, or ditch!!!

    just be smart an have fun..

  5. No, don't be nervous. It is so much fun and it is easy to make friends

  6. don't worry every freshman is nervous about high school. it is good to be nervous! it gives you excitement in your life! the feeling of nervousness and excitement are the same... so maybe you are really excited! i love the feeling i get when i'm nervous, and when its all over  it's like i conquered a new fear! its ok to be nervous, but don't be too nervous cuz thats when you can tell who the freshman are! .... and don't overthink things too much! everything will work out!

    Good Luck!

  7. nah, just dont mess with ppl and they wont mess with u. Ull be fine.

  8. not at all, high school is full of drama and whatnot, but it's nothing horrible. you will be fine. I promise =]

  9. yes you should be nervous i'm nervous but in a good way life is an adventure embrace it.

  10. You shouldn't be nervous AT all! ^_^ You teachers in middle school probably spooked you about HS, right? They always do that to keep you in line. xD

    What I found was that 9th grade is exactly like 8th grade, but you just have a few more classes on a daily basis (if you've been switching classes daily in 8th grade, that is).

    Don't worry! ^__^ Everything will be fine! Everyone's "nervous" (more like anxious) for the first day. After the first day, you would feel fine and less jittery. xD

    Have fun and enjoy HS! ^__^ Keep up those grades! ^_~

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