
Okay...Does it hurt to get your belly button pierced??

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Does it hurt to get your belly button pierced.I am getting my belly button pierced later tonight and i was wondering how much does it hurt.




  1. How old are you. Are you sure you are making the right choice. You know you cant remove a hole once you get it. Do you really want to be an 81 year old grandma with a belly button ring? I think you are making a very dumb choice and I encourage you to change your mind.  Adults look down on adolescents who have body piercings other than the ear. Please think this through. You are probably making this decision based on pier pressure and I know how you feel, but you have to make the choice for you. Do you want a hole in your body, or do you want one because your friends have one? I hope this helps.


  2. Well my friend got her's pierced last friday.

    She is very very very terrible when it comes to taking pain,if you punched her she complained that it hurt when it wasn't even that bad.

    but anyways,I thought she was gonna cry and scream when she got it done.She just sat there and said "wow that was like a quick pinch"

    but it depends on your pain tolerence really.

    Also,they don't use a piercing gun,they use a needle.

    edit:I just read southern girls comment to you.Wow,I have MANY holes in my body.WHO CARES! ALOT OF TEENAGERS HAVE HOLES IN THEM! BESIDES EARS!

    I have gauges and you can stick 2 fingers threw them.I have 2 lip rings on the same side.How is this girl messing up her life with a belly button ring? it's not like once she has it she MUST have it in her til shes dead,she can take it out in 15 years if she ends up disliking will close up and looks like she's never had it! teenagers are starting to get piercings becauase they want to! get over it.teenagers are changing there not growing up like they did in the old days.

    so seriously get over it.Your in 7th grade as I can see,wait til your in highschool and are dying for piericings and what not.

    and trust me you will be dying for something in the next few years.

  3. it doesnt hurt when you get it pierced..

    it just hurts after. becasue it NEVER heals. i hate mine. i got it almost a year ago and i still have problems with it. my other piercings healed within two weeks or so and i have no problems with them.

    just be sure you clean your button alot and dont touch it all the time. and wait a while to change it..because it will get infected.

  4. All depends on your pain tolerance. I didn't think it hurt that bad...hurt more when my doctor had to cut the ring off just to get the stupid thing out because it got infected. It does hurt, but it's really not horrible.

  5. It didn't hurt me at all

    but people can take different pain

  6. What! you can't do it with a piercing gun! are you mad. it will get infected. you need to do it with a needle and a professional piercer to do it. omg, people these days

  7. It depends on the person. But are you seeing a professional? I have had mine pierced two times. I had to take mine out each time I was pregnant. The second hurt a little because I had scare tissue built up. Basically what it is, is a hollow needle. They stick it threw your skin. The hoop (which is best, it helps heal faster) is connected, it will go threw the hole they just made in your stomach. Each time with mine it was fine. It didn't hurt, just a little tender and red. My friend did hers and it started bleeding. It looked horrible for the first week. Just make sure to keep it clean. They should give you sea salt. Clean it three or four times a day with the salt. When bathing make sure to gentle clean around it. In a month or so you can take the hoop out and put in a bar. Just make sure it has healed and that the bar isn't a cheap one. Make sure that a professional does it. This is serious. You don't want it crooked or to get infected. If the place isn't clean you can get staff infection. Do it right and pay the money, go to a clean professional. Depending on your age and where you live you may have to have a guardian sign for you.** Having your mom do it at home is a BAD idea. You need to go to a tatto parlor, or someone who has experience with body peircing.

  8. It stings a bit, but its more than bearable!

    It hurts more to clean! Be prepared!! :)

  9. doesn't hurt. i was 14 and laughed

  10. if your good with pain then it wont hurt. the clamp actually hurts more then the actual peircing. =] good luck i have mine done and i love it!

    oh yes and this bad and no one should do but i did mine myself and i didnt think it hurt. i got lucky that it didnt get infected or anything. and its supposed to hurt more if u do it yourself

  11. It depends on youor pain tolerance... Some people laugh

  12. i read that it hurts a lot and its bleeds

  13. feels good.


    a needle is going through your skin

    of course it hurts.

  14. Hopefully you're not doing it yourself. Because then it'll be REAL PAINFUL.

    No, getting your belly button pierced does not hurt. It's the healing that kinda does.

    Everyone has a different pain tolerance, so it may hurt for you or it may not.

    The actual piercing, is really a pinch. Think happy thoughts, like fairies and rainbows and unicorns, or anything to distract you from the piercing.

    Goooddd luckk.

  15. No more than getting your ears done, except it's in a different place!

    I would warn you though, my friend had it done when she fourteen. It went septic - puss was oozing from it. It wasn't a pretty sight - worse still, it scarred her bellybutton.

    Please research into it before you do it, check out the place you're going to (paying more to be safe is worth it) and make sure it's reputable. :)

    Edit: Okay, well if your mother is doing it, no need to see if she reputable! Make sure she knows what she is doing first!

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