
Okay I'm getting bored & I need something to do, so time to bring out the party hats....O, your sign & talent?

by  |  earlier

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Name whatever you want/tell all about your your sign or chart. I got a stage for all to showoff on!!!




  1. Sun: Libra in the 1st house conjunct Ascendant in Libra

    Moon: Cancer in the 9th

    Mercury: Libra in the 12th

    Venus: Sag in the 2nd

    Mars: Libra in the 12th, conjunct the Sun

    Jupiter: Cancer in the 9th

    Saturn/Uranus/Neptune: All Cappy in 3rd house

    Pluto: Scorpio in the 1st house

    Descendant: Aries

    IC: Aquarius

    MC: Leo

    My talent is the piano, and I love to be on stage creating music. I also love drama, and all performance arts. I can also talk up a storm, so prepare for me to take the podium!

  2. sun cancer

    moon aries

    venus cancer

    mars scorpio

    rising libra

    I am a good singer but so shy to really be myself in the talent....

  3. I am a scorpio sun

    Capricorn moon

    Gemini Ascendant

    Scorpio Mercury

    Sagittarius mars

    Aquarius mid-heaven

    I do everything. (probably because of gemini rising)

    I play the piano and violin. Taught myself the guitar.

    I do tap dancing.

    I also am a very good impersonator.

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