
Okay I'm kinda scared?!?

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I am flying alone for the first time in about a week. i just watched snakes on a plane...... can that really happen... like the snakes?




  1. Nooo. it's fun cause nobody can tell you what to do

  2. you got to be kidding, before I retired I used to live on airplanes, nothing to it, just sit back and relax.

  3. No it can't. And I feel for you. I was flying by myself not long after I saw that. But don't worry.

  4. yes, talk to a doctor about bringing anti-snake venom.

  5. Please don't worry about flying alone. Flying is an awesome experience and the movie snakes on a  plane was so ungodly fake omg. Bring your iPod or books, or something to entertain yourself with. But remember to take a bonine or some kind of anti-sickness medication before you leave so that you don't end up getting sick. And also remember to bring a pack of gum to chew  so that your ears don't pop while during flight. As for the snakes, do not worry about them. snakes will not get loose and bite people...that movie was just a fake film trying to scare people so that they wont fly, so they will have to  pay for gas to get where they are going. Well, have a fun and safe flight!

  6. no....that movie was fiction...that cant happen...youll be fine....

  7. no. snakes on a plane was a stupid and fake movie

  8. dont worry, its just a movie...snakes definetly CANT come on a sure you will have the best flight!!! enjoy yourself get gum, ipod, mobile, psp anything even a book you'll have fun!! best luck im flying too

  9. No, it could definitely not happen, at least not to that magnitude.

    If someone brought snakes on a plane, they probably would not get out of the cargo hold.

  10. Snakes should be the last thing on your mind...

  11. No, the snakes always get held up in security.

    Seriously, bring a couple of books with you, it will take your mind off the trip and make it 'fly' by!  Don't carry any luggage on, and wear slip on shoes without laces.  You'll be fine.

  12. I would be more concerned about the plane crashing then snakes on board.

    Just think of it as a bus 30,000 feet.

  13. lol well in a sick-wrong way maybe it could happen cause people could smuggle venomus snakes on a plane but just not that huge viper at the end lol. So um i say bring music or something that calms nerves :)

  14. naw that can not happen but if you get seated next to William Shattner do not look out the window at the wing.

  15. No thats just a movie to make people scared. You'll be fine. Flying is really fun!

  16. there is nothing to be scared of that is a fack move just sit back and relax have fun!

  17. It`s just a movie dumbass! ahhh.....look its okay to be scared but dont take it to serious. think about other, happier things

  18. Ok I fly to a different state or country every weekend  and I'm 12. u just sit and reelax

  19. Hi there,..I travel by plane every 6 months, never had any snakes in my life. Dont worry you'll be fine...


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