
Okay I'm looking for a artist on pc...designer or something

by  |  earlier

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anyways....Anyone know what I should do before I contact or find one? Anything I should try to have ready before contacting one? maybe things I should ask them? I'm looking for someone that can design a good banner's and or ad's....thank you!!




  1. I have a blog about this.

    Here are some bits of advice.

       1. Ideally you want to start from the bottom up. Work out your marketing plan and available budget before even trying to go and get a quote from a designer. Plan on getting your logo first rather than at the same time as another project. It will save you in the long run because while I'm working on the website and logo, you could already be handing out business cards with the logo on them. A web presence is good, but your whole company "brand" is going to revolve around the logo, not the website or another design.

       2. When getting a budget put together, realize that anything you don't have (photos, text, existing collateral) is going to make the design process longer and more expensive. I have to scout photos that you have to approve and purchase. I do check out micro-stock sites (more semi-pro level at cheaper costs). If I do writing, I have to do research and you have to approve it. If you have existing collateral you want the design to reflect, it speeds up the design process as I can mimic style and keep your brand consistent.

       3. If you are wanting design done, have examples of other styles and designs you like ready to show me. This will get me an idea of your design style and also keeps my concepts in line with what you would approve of.

       4. It's not always good to jump ahead and purchase a website domain before anything else. Sometimes, web hosts offer free domains within their hosting packages (like 1and1 which I use). Keep that in mind when you are getting ready to have web design done.

       5. When thinking about your website, keep in mind that additional pages cost more money to quote so think ahead. When you want a product page, do you also want subpages for different product categories?

       6. Make sure your designer is proficient on the spot and keep with that same designer (why ditch someone that works well with you and produces results that work?). The designer should be someone you feel comfortable working with and can trust. The designer should be good at what they do. So many times I get a client that had a previous designer work on the project and they were unfamiliar with proper design techniques in that medium. A logo created in Photoshop is going to looked pixelated and blurry on a billboard if they have it only in a size for the web (Vector art is the best for logos). Make sure your designer knows what they are doing. Look into their clients, references, educational background, etc. Your design is an investment, and you want to make sure the most able person is working on it. You don't want to invest into a designer that can't do the job and then have to pay someone else to recreate it.

    So you may notice that even through all your exercise, you are still gaining weight. Remember, muscle is heaver than fat so it might take a while to notice results but it's going to make your company stronger, more attractive, and will cost less for design in the future!

  2. So maybe you are looking for a graphic designer?

    Some things you might want to know is pricing (per hour or flat fee), the time length it takes to complete, ask if they have a portfolio, and maybe gather a resume to look at their past experience.

  3. As an artist/designer.. what will help you most is to share whatever clear ideas you already have regarding what you want. If you have a specific color scheme (blues, oranges, reds, purples, etc..), specific items, or a specific layout in mind be sure to share all that.

    Let the artist know if you want "real" looking characters or items, illustrated characters or items, or cartoonish characters and items.

    You will also want to make sure all the information (text) is passed on to the artist; and be sure to tell them which pieces of information are most critical to the goal of the banner/ad. A banner or advertisement is all about communicating the information in an inspiring way. Leaving out crucial pieces of info (contact info, purpose of product/service) must be avoided as much as possible.

    Make sure you are clear about your time line for completion of the ad; and be sure to look at previous work the artist has done. Every artist has a unique style, some more than others. You will want to make sure that you hire someone who is capable and likely to produce something that you won't hate.

    Best of Luck

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