
Okay I asked a question about my 14 year old son and rape... He lives with his dad I am about to send him to?

by  |  earlier

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to send him to boot camp.. he is a run away.. I am working on getting him back with me.. I had a DUI and his dad took him they have older boys in there home..I am trying now to get him back on right track.. it was just a question.. no I dont like the Idea of them having s*x .. and I am trying my hardest to cut it out.. thanks for answering me back....




  1. o.o uhh... oooo a pretty star -points to the sun-

  2. You've got to explain a bit're whining because you got a DUI and his dad took him in?

    So what if there are older boys in the home? Unless he had s*x with them it's fine! If they did, that's incest...

  3. Boot camp may be overkill, literally.  More and more news reports are surfacing about kids being brutalized and raped in these camps, boys more often than girls.  His having s*x is not the worst thing that can happen, nor is her getting pregnant.  Getting a teenager to stop having s*x is the classic getting the genie to willingly go back into the bottle challenge.  Most often it can't be done.  Just be sure he knows how to not get her pregnant and then pray for the best.

  4. Why don't you update the original question instead of asking a new non-question.  There should be an edit button or an add more details button.

    A lot of answers on the original question are incorrect.  Each state has it's own laws.  You can check Wikipedia for the laws in your state:

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