
Okay.. I don't want to jump to conclusions, could you help?

by  |  earlier

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So I was sitting in my freshman comp class, and this girl (a GREAT looking soccer player) sits only two seats down from me.. Then in the middle of the class, she looks in my direction, we make eye contact for a split second while she blinks, then she looks back at the teacher.

I think she's the one. I really do. I couldn't tell if the blink was actually a blink or a wink. Maybe her eyes were dry, but I really think she was trying to wink.

Should I go for it? I want to marry her




  1. I think you should go for it.

    It sounds like you two had a really strong connection.

  2. i think you're jumping to conclusions too fast. Give yourself and the girl some time. some people just seem right at the first minute we meet them but then turn out to be not as we have expected. Just take it slow.

    Just ask her out, see where it goes from there.......and hey, if its ment to be its ment to be..........go for it champ......Good luck

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