
Okay I dont get this my mom paid 55 dollars for my brother's triatholon but cant pay 50 for shoes I need!?

by  |  earlier

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Parent's would you do this?!?




  1. Do you need the shoes or just want them? If you need them for a sport than its not fair. If you want $50.00 shoes for school it is fair. Triatholon is something healthy atheletic and important for parents to support their child in doing. Buying shoes just to look cool in at school or whatever isn't something important for your parents to support you in. Get it.

  2. Why do you need $50 shoes? Wouldn't a $20 pair work just as well? If you need $50 shoes for a medical reason I would buy them. If you want a specific brand or shoe then no i wouldn't.

  3. Depends.  Your brother invested hard work in athletics no doubt if he qualified for the triathlon.  It could lead to scholarships, contacts, and his overall sense of well being and accomplishment physically and mentally.

    As for your $50.00 shoes, some questions come to mind:

    Is money tight?  What have you done to invest in getting a $50.00 pair of shoes?  Do you work?  Can you pay half?  Why do you "need" $50.00 shoes when there are shoe warehouses and outlets that sell quality shoes for much cheaper prices?

    Stop looking for reasons to be jealous of your brother and make your parents out to be unfair.  Be reasonable and you'll be happier.  

  4. Don't you realize that $50 for a pair of shoes for a child is unreasonable, nobody needs $50 dollar shoes I am 32 and have never owned a pair of shoes that cost me more than $20 if you want a pair of $50 shoes so badly I suggest that you find a way to make the money yourself and buy them yourself.

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