
Okay I have a question for teachers, principles....or any one who can answer this question?!?

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I am in 9th grade and I home school but next year my mom is going to put me back in school. Okay so what I am wondering is what do most schools require from homeschoolers coming to their school (I am thinking a public school or maybe a Catholic school). Since I don't have a report card will I have to show my years school work or will I just need to take a test?? Thanks very much!! : )




  1. Call the school and find out because different schools may require different entrance requirements.  However, if you have been "home schooled' I doubt if you will have any problems getting into any school you wish.  Most Home schooled kids are way advanced compared to their publicly schooled peers.

    So don't worry.

  2. Depends on the school

    Some go by age (you're 16, then 10th grade)

    Some test you and use that for placement

    Some will look at what you tell them you did and place you based on that

  3. things that will matter alot in high school





    to whichever school u want to go on i

    say u call the school find out and ye

  4. You are not going to find a single correct answer that applies to all schools because schooling is a local matter, and therefore regulations vary from community to community.

    I was a public school teacher.  Public schools have to accept pretty much everyone, unless they pose a danger, in which case they still have to work with the parents to provide alternative arrangements.

    The only "requirement" is that you are up to date on vaccinations (and some states allow waivers for religious beliefs even on that).

    However, given that you were home schooled, your parents are probably more proactive about your education and would like to ensure you are in the appropriate class from the beginning.  They should set up a meeting before the school semester starts and bring a portfolio of your work and set up any tests the school would like to administer for diagnostic purposes.  This way, if you are ready for a more advanced class, in need of some remediation, or eligible for enrichment or other services, you can enter that directly instead of starting at the default level.

    Parochial schools can make up their own rules about who to admit, so you would have to ask the individual school if they require an interview, a test, or anything else.

    Good luck with entering school!

  5. a test. other than that, a simple interview maybe required. and u might be on probation for 1 year or something. just to see if u really can take real schooling

  6. The rules vary from state to state and from district to district, so it is impossible to give you an answer that will be certain.

    Contact the school administration at the school that you will be entering to find out exactly what they need.  They should be able to give you the information fairly quickly.  They can probably do it over the phone.  You may need to talk with the guidance office as they might have the most information on this question.

  7. I am sure that it depends on where you live and the school in question. Where I live, you don't have to show anything and you don't have to take a test. Other places are different.

  8. Check out my answer on your other question...the answer is, it all depends on the school.  There are varying enrollment requirements with every school, and each school gets to choose how they handle incoming homeschooled students.

    Good luck!  :-)

  9. Depends on the school, however MOST schools are the same. In your grade, you'll have to take placement tests for all of the biggie because most kids going from middle schools have already been assigned based on how they did in their middle school subjects. It's no longer by age, but by ability.

    Either way, now is the time of year for enrollment, so I'd definitely jump on it, contact the school and get to work on it.

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