
Okay I know I'm not the only girl out there who unfortunatly has to shave her face am I?

by  |  earlier

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and if not how do you quick shave morning and night withouth having your boyfriend catch you?




  1. i dont think you should shave your face because itll grow in thicker like a man's should probably wax it...then the hair wont grow back thick and you wont have to do it so often...thats what i think...

  2. i think u are

  3. Shaving.. your face? If you're talking about the upper lip hair then that's normal, but do NOT shave it with a razor, use an electric one. Or wax it.  

  4. Shave the face? That leaves bumps, doesn't it? If it doesn't for you then... I guess that's good.

  5. You shouldn't shave your face. wax, tweeze, bleach, but don't shave.

    answer mine?

  6. are you crzy? WAX .

    if you shave it make it thicker like the guys mustaches.

  7. You shave your face? You realize that will only make the hair grow back thicker and blacker! If you're going to do it anyway, I suppose waxing would be better cause it lasts longer and you won't have to do it so often!

  8. get a quite electric one and just just the bathroom door.  say you are shaving your legs

  9. Well, I am not sure how old you are, but you probably shouldn't have started shaving your face in the first place. Shaving makes your hair grow back darker and faster - no matter where it is on your body. There are alternatives, you should see your doctor if it is litterally that bad... As for your boyfriend, if this problem is bothering you and making you want to hide it, I would trust that he would understand. Hiding something will only stress you out more and if he really cared he would be there for you. I mean, how long have you been sneaking a quick shave anyway? lol.

  10. Okay,I have really thought about it but have never done it in fear of the hair coming back thicker aswell as darker.

  11. ewwwwwwwwwwwww! you shave ur face???!!!!????!!!!???!!!!???? thats weird u should get laser surgery...i only get my lip waxed every 2-3 months but u have to shave ur face????!!!!!!

  12. Plenty of girls shave their face.

    You should NEVER shave your face thou! Shaving your arms and legs are okay but your face...DONT.

    Shaving your face will only make the skin AND hair darker.

    Try using a bleaching cream or hair removal cream.

    Try this cream by Nair, it works great and it's affordable!

  13. bleach it!!! i have facial hair too and i bleach my lip hair and my arms, wax my eyebrows and bikini area, and shave my legs. but i don't shave my face! if i did my face would be so thick and dark i would look like a gorilla!!!!

  14. ouch! is it not playing havoc with your skin? have you ever tried waxing or electrolysis? if you are having to do it day and night, it sounds like you have some sort of hormone imbalance, and should visit a doctor who may be able to prescribe some medication that will help. shaving is really bad for the skin, especially a womans, as it is so soft on the face.

  15. if you can afford it go to a hair removal dr. otherwise get waxed regularly. it works and you don't have to do it as often as shaving

  16. you shave ur face!?

  17. If you're talking about upper lip hair, I definitely get rid of mine too but I would never consider shaving it! I would never recommend this as it grows in quickly and is hard to hide. Go away for a weekend and let it grow out a bit then wax it, this is a foolproof way to get rid of this. I personally use Nair and it works well for me but I have heard mixed reviews.

  18. Stop shaving your face! Are you crazy? That makes the hair grow back quicker and thicker! Let it grow for a while even if it means you have to lie to your boyfriend (tell him your sick) and wax it! Before you go wax it though, soften the hair by taking a bath and pretty much soak your face in the water. By having it frequently waxed the hair grows back but thinner and in less time. You can have it removed though, so save that money!

  19. shaving ur face???? I NEVER HEARD OF THAT...

  20. burn, maybe you should try waxing so it'll last longer. i'm sure theres lots of women with the same prob;...

  21. I would not worry about him catching you. Tell him "look, you guys want us to have smooth skin and look pretty for you, and wear fake eyelashes and a bunch of other s***, we have to shave our pits, legs

    and because some of us got a little more from dad than mom at the time of our birth, well some of us have to shave ok? It's not a perfect world out there.And do you guys appreciate what we have to do in order to go out on the town. You guys shave and shower-thats basically it. We have to shower, shave our legs. do our hair, put make up on etc etc. Now are you gonna stand there and tell me you have a problem with me shaving?"    oh I am a guy by the way who once made a very bad joke at a woman's expense because she had sideburns. well I have matured since then.

  22. Wow, have you you tried waxing? or threading? that might work, and you don't have to do it every day, its a once in a while thing..

  23. the number 1 beauty rule- never EVER take a razor to your face. wax or bleach it.  

  24. I wax my mustache off so the boys dont laugh at me!

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