
Okay.. I know this is a REALLY stupid question..?

by  |  earlier

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.. but will the world ever stop, like will it ever go into a black hole, and space and time itself, will be going into the futeure. or will everyone eventually just die from global warming or something like that lol!




  1. Earth will die when the sun burns out.

  2. Yep, it will! but you wont have to worry about it, as it will take place billions of years in the future, and mankind will have long gone from this world by then.

  3. The sun will explode or we might possibly die from global cooling some day.

  4. Eventually the sun will explode. That will be a LOOOOOONG time from now and we will probably not live long enough as a species, to see that day. Sometimes when that happens, it will create a vacuum, a black hole. Again, nothing we'll have to worry about. HOWEVER, while we are here, population will be our greatest threat to the world. ALL issues related to environment, crime, etc. are associated with the negative outcomes of overpopulation.

    TMI, I'm sure. More than you really wanted to know. I'm fullll of c**p like that.

  5. The sun will explode into a massive black hole which will suck our solar system in. The end.  This however will not happen for a very very long time.  

    It is much more likely that we will all blow each other up first.

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