
Okay I need your help....?

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okay im 14. a girl and bi.

I am going to school sept 3.

last year in 7th everyone found out I am bi. and I am in a very very homophobic school. I deny it when people ask me becuz if I dont deny it I would get even more picked on.

I am just rele afraid to go back. It hasnt died down at all. Becuz I go on my myspace and I see people on their comments talking about me being bi and how they are going to start picking on me again on the first day.

I am just rele scared.

What should I do on the first day? and what do I say when people make fun of me?




  1. just say to them, really? do you relay what to waist your time on me? what do you like me or something? u can ad more but say it with a strait face like it docent affect you. and if thay say hey your bi hahahhaha just say yep and walk on thell get bored soon lol  good luck!

  2. tell them

    "geez that is so last year. a lot of people are g*y or curious. grow up, or ur just too immature to handle me."

    i unno, but just rock ur way out and they'll soon get over it/used to it...

    being bi means u also  like guys, so if u really wanna deny it then maybe u can go out with a guy... u know be a bad girl and use him. lmaoo. ok that's wrong but well, that's what i did... sad but true.

  3. go to a different school... gosh this world is so mean...

  4. Oh, man, you're a lot braver than I am. Just so you know, what these kids are doing is wrong, and possibly illegal (sexual harassment). You need to go to the principal and inform him/her of what these kids are doing to you. I know that nobody in middle school wants to be a "tattle-tale", but not telling in this case would be a million times worse than telling.

    As for how to deal with the other kids...that's harder, as I'm sure you realized. Do you have any friends you can fall back on? Everybody needs a support network. If you can just get one or two people to support you, you'll be much better off.

    Realize you are not alone. As many as one in ten people are g*y. They may not say it just yet, but if you keep your head up and set a good example, you'll be surprised. By the time high school rolls around, a lot more people will be out of the closet--at least, they are at my school. I know that doesn't help much now.

    The fact is, a lot of middle-schoolers are idiots. Looks like you are an exception! I'm sorry you have to put up with the rest of them. Try pointing out how immature they are being. No one likes to be told they are acting like a baby. But try to take the high road rather than insulting them back. If you behave with dignity, most of them will get tired of teasing you. Talk to your parents, a counselor, or another adult you can trust.

    Good luck!

  5. aw :/

    that is so ****** up

    why do we live in a society where its so wrong to be g*y?

    don't worry about them they're just ignorant.

    im bi too and alot of the girls are grossed out by it...i get picked on sometimes ,but its who i am and im not gonna deny just BE STRONG!

    and im coming to your school and ounching everyone in the face who picks on ya

    just say the word (;

  6. I think, honestly, you need to just tell them to **** off. They can't tell you how to live and you aren't gonna hide who you are. Haha, you need to get a chick to come to your school and just make out with you at random times. See what they say about that. Lol. That'd be humorous. Anyway, someone needs to teach those homophobic b******s a lesson. Cause discriminating against us is bullshit.  

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