
Okay I really need some help here....Please?

by  |  earlier

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Okay so I used to take Prescription pills for depression, ADD, ODD, ADHD, Anxiety, and OCD. They started my on them when i was about.... 8 or 9. Now being Older I and my husband are trying for our First : ]. I havent been on any kind of prescription pill for about two years. The only recent one is for Migranes..... (imetrex or somthin like that) I started tracking my cycle about three months ago and we try every time we can!! ; D.

But my question is after taking these pills for soo long is it possible that I cannot have a child do to some of the medication and for how long i took it??

I know you probably want to know what i took and how long. Well I took ALOT and for 7 or 8 years. So ide really appreciate some help





  1. There is no known evidence that any medication for mental health causes infertility years later. You've only been trying 3 months! The average time it take to get pregnant is one year. Try to relax. It will happen when it's supposed to.

  2. you need to see your doctor about this and ask your pharmacist for medical side effect print out on all the medication you have been taking you should get some good answers to you concerns if that don't  help go to goggle and put in the name of the drugs and it will direct you to the right sites to give you answers

  3. You should be fine and very able to conceive. I was on antidepressants as a child and alot of other medicine as an adult due to a kidney disease and I was still able to conceive. I had to just stop taking alot of the medicine 6 months prior to trying for a baby. After two years everything would be completely out of your system.

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