
Okay I shook his hand in church and this happened??

by  |  earlier

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When i turned around his eyes looked really focused. His hand was sweaty and when we shook hands he eyed my chest.




  1. hahah hornball

  2. shaking hands in church can be awkward. he shouldn't be looking at your chest... i can't really talk though because sometimes girls who sit in the row in front of me have nice booties and i can't help but look. =/ i need to say a Hail Mary.

  3. Was he really "looking at your chest", or was he simply avoiding eye contact?

    When guys are nervous, they tend to look down at nothing in particular, and women tend to read too much into it.

    All we know at this point is that he was obviously nervous around you for some reason. Maybe it is because he likes you, or maybe it is because he felt awkward around you for some reason (like he just farted?). I do that sometimes.  Did you smell anything?

  4. Someone cares for you. He is in love.

  5. Well he's a guy, so of course he eyed your goods.  As far as his physiological response, he is either nervous about meeting new people or he is interested in you.  On the real, though, this is not enough information to base a real opinion on wether or not this guy likes you.  If you like him, then you're gonna needto be proactive and do something about it, because so many girls and women spend WAY too much time waiting and trying to decipher a guy's actions, and there is just no way to tell what a guy is thinking or how he feels.  I spent so much time doing that that i didn't date till I was 18!!!  After that you can bet I went after what I wanted when I wanted it and now I am happy with my fiance.  Don't be afraid of rejection.  Yes, it sucks-BAD-but you will get over it in no time and it makes it all the more sweet when you find your prince.  It's better to be rejected a million times and then find the right one then never put yourself out there and find no one.  

  6. whats the question? are you interested in him or is he a creepy old man? i need details! a picture of your chest might help me give you a more accurate answer

  7. It looks lie he likes you, but he might be too shy to tell you. So, you should get to know him better.

  8. oh, wow.. he sounds like a perv...

    ignore him


  9. HE LIKES YOUR b***s LOL

    HELP PLZ;...

  10. HE LIKEY YOOUU!!! Haha sorry.

    Yea he might like you, do you like him though? Thats important to mention.

  11. i think someone has a crush on you! ;)

  12. u know, he just might be into u, lol. good luck! : )

  13. It means he's male.

  14. he probably likes you and is too nervous to tell you!

  15. he thinks ur hot lol big chest?

  16. He may like you! Maybe he has watched you from afar.. or maybe you have a big chest and he is horny.

  17. You seem to have answered your own question.  What is the real question?

  18. Oooh Wow!

    That's pretty akward.

    Just don't sit by him anymore.

    Good Luck!

  19. well he thinks your attractive but obviously he's a bit immature if he can't hide/fake looking you in the eye. Sounds shallow as well if all he's interested in is your bust size. I'd stay clear of him

  20. Golly jeepers!!!  Shaking hands in church with boys! What will happen next, I wonder? Dogs and cats intermixing?

    I've seen your chest, and trust me, he wasn't looking at your goods.  He was just shy.

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