
Okay. Not super normal for a girl but......?

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I have always been a tomboy. I love sports. My favorite.... NASCAR and tackle football. I am at the end of my freshman year in high school. I wanna try out for the tackle team at my school....Opinions and help/advice/tips would be great. I actually wanna play and not just be the replacement kicker. I was thinking about trying out my Junior year and then if I do not make it I will train and try out my Senior year. If that works I might go try out to play college tackle (or atleast try out). Thats all for football.

Now, I wanna do NASCAR racing too. I am learning the final things about cars (especially fast cars) with a friend who is taking an automotive class and his brother who is a mechanic. I was just wondering how I would get started......My dad said if I buy the car he will help me make it racing standards (along with friends). I know there is a NASCAR camp but I was just wondering what else I could do....If anything.

So that's basically it. Help would be awesome. : D




  1. Go to local race tracks (not the huge NASCAR Sprint Cup and Nationwide hosted tracks), small local dirt tracks or cheap tracks with racing every weekend or so. Talk to the people in the pits, they have the most experience and best advice. Watch a few of the races the track hosts. Find racing that interests you most. You have to start off small.

    Don't by a new car, by a beat up used one. Some places actually sell race cars that need repair. So keep an eye out. By a separate engine and necessities. Completely rebuild a car.

    Then talk to the track owners, race coordinators, pit people about how to get on the track to race. First arrange your team though, not as big as a NASCAR pit crew would be, but enough people to take care of your car. You don't need a sponsor to race, so don't worry about that just yet. You have to prove yourself as a driver first.

    It also costs a lot of money to do all this, so you need to find out how you're going to get it all.

  2. Find your local Saturday night race track. They all have beginner  class races called Mini-Stocks etc. They are actual compact cars set up for round track. Then a "Bomber" class

    . Get experience at the bottom, each season move up in class. The top is when it's serious-Late Model or Super Late Model. It can be dirt or pavement.

    Contact NASCAR, they do have a diversity program they started about five years ago. Erin Crocker was racing in the NASCAR truck class for Ray Evernham, she began in the diversity program.

    I just read yesterday NASCAR is looking hard for females that are dedicated and want to learn circle track racing.

    Good luck ! I watched Sarah Fisher start out in Midgets & Mini Sprints, then Sprint cars-she's 27 and starting 22nd in this years Indy 500.

  3. go to nascar. com

  4. Hire me as your crew chief!

  5. I would have to say do your best to get into the races at your local track and try to get noticed.  And above all else don't listen to anyone who tells you that you can't do it there is ample proof out there that it can be done you just have to be in the right place at the right time.

  6. go with NASCAR and racing as a contact sport!  

    Leave the physical football tackles behind and become an essence whom others would want to tackle...

    every week.

    You can become ANYthing you desire...Just do it!

  7. If you want to race what you need more than anything else is seat time and that tends to be expensive. What I would suggest is you and your father or brother if dad wont do it,go around and talk up the local parts suppliers and new and used car dealers ( you need to dress up for this part you are being a salesperson here) and get enough to build or buy a bomber or whatever they call the entry level car at the local track. Once there you learn to make friends fast everyone there knows more about what they are doing than you, acting  cocky may feel good but it causes all kinds of grief and you gain nothing.

  8. There are a lot of race car magazines you could study.

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